01 - Porque
02 - Fastio
03 - Na Ribeira deste Rio
04 - Issilva
05 - Mal Te Olhei, Quando Te Vi
06 - Lisboa Romântica
07 - Comunhão
08 - Vá, Gambozino
09 - E Por Vezes
10 - Nambuangongo Meu Amor
11 - Poema para o Meu Amor Doente
12 - Estética do Grito
13 - O Atoll dos Amores
14 - Fim
Author of the Text Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Title of Poem or Text Porque
Author of the Text Alberto Pimenta
Title of Poem or Text Fastio
Author of the Text Maria José
Title of Poem or Text Na Ribeira deste Rio
Author of the Text Alexandre O'Neill
Title of Poem or Text Issilva
Author of the Text António Aleixo
Title of Poem or Text Mal Te Olhei, Quando Te Vi
Author of the Text E.M. de Melo e Castro
Title of Poem or Text Lisboa Romântica
Author of the Text Miguel Torga
Title of Poem or Text Comunhão
Author of the Text Pedro Támen
Title of Poem or Text Vá, Gambozino
Author of the Text David Mourão-Ferreira
Title of Poem or Text E Por Vezes
Author of the Text Manuel Alegre
Title of Poem or Text Nambuangongo Meu Amor
Author of the Text Eugénio de Andrade
Title of Poem or Text Poema para o Meu Amor Doente
Title of Poem or Text Estética do Grito
Author of the Text Vasco Graça Moura
Title of Poem or Text O Atoll dos Amores
Author of the Text Mário de Sá-Carneiro
Title of Poem or Text Fim