Music Without Borders. Portugal at the World New Music Days.
In the year of the 1st Portuguese edition of the ISCM World New Music Days, MIC.PT presents a historical reflection on the ISCM and the presence of Portuguese music at the WNMD.
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The idea of writing a piece for solo instrument named Dialogues has fascinated me. In this piece the gestures are used distinctively and they communicate with one another. These mentioned gestures were taken (or inspired) from contours used in two other pieces I have written previously (7 Pictures for flute and piano; and Two mo(ve)ments for solo tenor saxophone). Even if these two pieces are old (and different from each other), they represent very important moments in my development as a composer. The gestures (that are a vital importance for my music) appear in a distinctive way and with a reduced number of intervals that characterize them. This piece is, thus, organized in a mosaic form where the musical material is juxtaposed, alternating between slow (and indifferent) and fast (and vigorous) moments.
Dialogues is dedicated to my friend Sérgio Pacheco who asked me too write this piece and to whom I composed it with all my admiration and friendship.
Hugo Ribeiro March ‘07