Results found: 73 of 13047
Title | Composer | Musical Category | Instrumentation (general) | Date | Duration | |
Fado Burnay | Tiago Derriça Eduardo Burnay |
Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2023 | 4' 00" | |
Poemas possíveis | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2022 | ||
Sonata-Fantasia | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2022 | ||
The Seven Ages of Man | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2019 | 45' 00" | |
Tríptico | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2019 | 55' 00" | |
Beijo para acalmar (Rodrigo Guedes de Carvalho) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2018 | ||
Se foi amor (Rodrigo Guedes de Carvalho) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2018 | ||
Frühling | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2018 | 27' 00" | |
Três Poemas | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2017 | 8' 20" | |
Delicadamente (Marco Oliveira) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2017 | ||
Fado menor do Porto (Popular) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2017 | ||
Miniatura sobre o nome Estrela | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2017 | 2' 00" | |
Monte verde | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2017 | 8' 30" | |
Prelúdio da despedida; Valsa da despedida (Marco Oliveira) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2016 | ||
Chuva | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2016 | 2' 00" | |
Canção verdes anos (Carlos Paredes) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2014 | ||
Tropitango | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2014 | 3' 00" | |
O meu olhar azul como o céu | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2013 | 3' 00" | |
Delírio barroco | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2012 | 7' 50" | |
Um Australopiteco em Paris | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2010 | 3' 00" | |
Parábola | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2009 | 5' 26" | |
Duas canções sem palavras | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2009 | 5' 00" | |
Seis Bibelots | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2009 | 3' 50" | |
Sonata | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2009 | 10' 20" | |
A arte da Fuga: Contrapunctus IV (Bach) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2006 | ||
O Despertar | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (2-8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2005 | 11' 00" | |
A bela e o monstro | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (+ than 8 instruments)
Theatre Music |
Instrumentation (general) | 2014 | 5' 20" | |
A tendinha; Estranha forma de vida; Já estou sentindo; Não venhas tarde; Pomba branca; Povo que lavas no rio; Um homem na cidade; Aqui na verde varanda; A penumbra; Eu venho; Fado das águas; Fado do Alentejo (vários autores) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (+ than 8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2011 | ||
Fala da mulher sozinha: Lisboa garrida; Lusitana; Marcha de Alfama; Marcha dos centenários; Meus lindos olhos; Marcha de Santo António; Na rua dos meus ciúmes; Nos teus braços; No teu poema; Por minha conta; Rua do capelão; Saudades do Brasil em Portugal; Vou dar de beber à dor (vários autores) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (+ than 8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2011 | ||
Prelúdio ao Infinito | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (+ than 8 instruments) | Instrumentation (general) | 2010 | 3' 00" | |
Light My Fire (The Doors) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (+ than 8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2008 | ||
L’Orfeo –Toccata, Prologo, Balletto (Monteverdi) | Tiago Derriça | Chamber music (+ than 8 instruments)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2008 | ||
Danças Portuguesas | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra | Instrumentation (general) | 2020 | ||
As quatro operações; Até ao fim, Mentiras; Quero cantar para a lua (Kátia Guerreiro) | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2015 | ||
A pequena sereia (Alan Menken e Howard Ashman) | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2014 | ||
Aprender a ser feliz; Lisboa (Miguel Gameiro) | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2014 | ||
Cinderella (Mack David, Al Hoffman e Jerry Livingston) | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2013 | ||
Um sopro de liberddade | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra | Instrumentation (general) | 2013 | 2' 40" | |
Alladin: A whole new world; The hunchback of Notre Dame: God help the outcasts; Pocahontas: Colors of the wind; Little mermaid: Part of your world; Under the sea (Alan Menken) | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2012 | ||
Uma rosa no deserto | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra
Music for film/video |
Instrumentation (general) | 2012 | 6' 29" | |
Uma bizarra salada | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra
Theatre Music |
Instrumentation (general) | 2011 | 2' 00" | |
Abertura Rompante | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra | Instrumentation (general) | 2009 | 4' 00" | |
Lisboa | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra
Dance music |
Instrumentation (general) | 2008 | 20' 00" | |
O Ladrão do Negro Melro (tradicional) | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2007 | ||
Diaphonía | Tiago Derriça | Orchestra | Instrumentation (general) | 2006 | 5' 15" | |
Quadro bucólico para Bernardim | Tiago Derriça | Solo | Instrumentation (general) | 2022 | ||
Poslúdio | Tiago Derriça | Solo | Instrumentation (general) | 2020 | 4' 40" | |
Humoresque | Tiago Derriça | Solo | Instrumentation (general) | 2017 | 0' 40" | |
Sonatina | Tiago Derriça | Solo | Instrumentation (general) | 2016 | 9' 35" | |
Estudo entre estudo | Tiago Derriça | Solo | Instrumentation (general) | 2010 | 3' 30" | |
Tema e Variações | Tiago Derriça | Solo | Instrumentation (general) | 2004 | 4' 00" | |
Concerto para Piano e Orquestra | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir | Instrumentation (general) | 2023 | 23' 00" | |
Frei João sem-cuidados | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir | Instrumentation (general) | 2019 | 35' 00" | |
Uma descoberta importante | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir | Instrumentation (general) | 2017 | 7' 00" | |
Um banho de sons | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir | Instrumentation (general) | 2017 | 15' 00" | |
Nuvens da tarde | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir | Instrumentation (general) | 2016 | 7' 00" | |
Alice no país das maravilhas | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir
Theatre Music |
Instrumentation (general) | 2015 | 4' 00" | |
Concerto duplo | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir | Instrumentation (general) | 2015 | 30' 00" | |
É talvez o último dia da minha vida | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir | Instrumentation (general) | 2013 | 2' 20" | |
Ai que Linda Moça (Halffter) | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2012 | ||
Dança da Aldeia; Canção Verdes Anos (Carlos Paredes) | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2011 | ||
Lisboa e o Tejo (Carlos Paredes) | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2010 | ||
Suite Espanhola - Asturias, Cordoba, Cadiz (Albéniz) | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2008 | ||
Dois Improvisos para Saxofone | Tiago Derriça | Soloist(s) and Orch./Ens. and/or Choir | Instrumentation (general) | 2007 | 6' 00" | |
Medley Eurovisão (vários autores) | Tiago Derriça | Vocal Group/Choir (a cappella)
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2018 | ||
O menino da sua mãe | Tiago Derriça | Vocal Group/Choir (a cappella) | Instrumentation (general) | 2018 | 6' 00" | |
Pinochio | Tiago Derriça | Vocal Group/Choir (a cappella) | Instrumentation (general) | 2017 | 1' 00" | |
Verão | Tiago Derriça | Vocal Group/Choir (a cappella) | Instrumentation (general) | 2016 | 1' 13" | |
Entre o Sono e Sonho | Tiago Derriça | Vocal Group/Choir (a cappella) | Instrumentation (general) | 2012 | 3' 40" | |
O retiro; O peregrino; Florestas submersas (Rodrigo Leão) | Tiago Derriça | Vocal Group/Choir and Orchestra/Ens.
Arrangement |
Instrumentation (general) | 2016 | ||
Dorme, que a vida é nada! | Tiago Derriça | Vocal Group/Choir and Orchestra/Ens. | Instrumentation (general) | 2009 | 4' 00" | |
O Mostrengo | Tiago Derriça | Vocal Group/Choir and Orchestra/Ens. | Instrumentation (general) | 2008 | 7' 30" | |
Mar Português | Tiago Derriça | Vocal Group/Choir and Orchestra/Ens. | Instrumentation (general) | 2006 | 6' 00" | |