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Due to a high number of cancellations/ postponements of performances and other events (meetings, conferences...) caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the MIC.PT temporarily suspends their dissemination through the Concert/ Performance Agenda, in the social networks as well as in the next Newsletter(s), in the section Activity – Composers published by the MIC.PT. Consequently, in order to continue the dissemination of the music by the Composers Published by the MIC.PT, we will resort to the materials available on our website (on-line and/ or in our archives), as well as to other materials provided by the Composers.
We are fully aware of the very significant negative impact, which this crisis has and will have in various areas of Arts and Culture. However, it's also in these situations that the need to promote Art as one of the fundamental vehicles constituting our human condition, becomes even more urgent. Our mission of promoting the music by Composers residing in Portugal remains unchanged, being that the dissemination of artistic creation through the internet is presently one of our priorities.
Our April Newsletter will feature the premiere of a new series of videos with Interviews to Portuguese Composers (in Portuguese), available on the >> MIC.PT YouTube Channel and on the >> Miso Music Portugal YouTube Channel. We also invite you to (re)visit the 38 programmes of the Na 1.ª Pessoa (In the 1st Person) Cycle within the Música Hoje (Music Today) radio broadcast (in Portuguese). Additionally, we introduce a new temporary section created for the time of social distancing, Composers On-line, where we disseminate virtual initiatives of the Composers Published by the MIC.PT.
The MIC.PT Team
New MIC.PT Interviews to Portuguese Composers
In April the MIC.PT releases a new series of videos with conversations by Pedro Boléo with Composers residing in Portugal. The videos are available on the >> MIC.PT YouTube Channel and on the >> Miso Music Portugal YouTube Channel.
These new interviews (in Portuguese) have emerged in the context of the Na 1.ª Pessoa (In the 1st Person) cycle of the Música Hoje (Music Today) radio broadcast produced by the MIC.PT and the Miso Music Portugal for the >> Antena 2, having been filmed at the O’culto da Ajuda in Lisbon. They constitute a revisit to the creative universe of the various Composers Published by the MIC.PT, following the already historical interviews realised by the MIC.PT more than 15 years ago.
In this sense this month we present six brand new videos with: Amílcar Vasques-Dias, Daniel Schvetz, Isabel Soveral, Jaime Reis, Patrícia Sucena de Almeida and Rui Penha. The release of five more interviews will take place in May.
In order to access the videos follow the links below and/ or visit the >> MIC.PT YouTube Channel and the >> Miso Music Portugal YouTube Channel. The musical excerpts for each of the interviews are available on the >> MIC.PT SoundCloud; the links for each of the excerpts can also be found in the descriptions below the videos.
Video · In the 1st Person
with Amílcar Vasques-Dias
Video · In the 1st Person
with Daniel Schvetz
Video · In the 1st Person
with Isabel Soveral
Video · In the 1st Person
with Jaime Reis
Video · In the 1st Person
with Patrícia Sucena Almeida
Video · In the 1st Person
with Rui Penha
In the 1st Person Cycle · Música Hoje (Music Today) – Radio Broadcast
Released in September 2018, Na 1.ª Pessoa (In the 1st Person) is a cycle of programmes in the context of the radio broadcast Música Hoje (Music Today) – produced by the Miso Music Portugal and the Portuguese Music Research & Information Centre for the Portuguese National Radio Antena 2.
The cycle Na 1.ª Pessoa is composed of conversations with composers active in Portugal, being a platform for their communication with the audience. Every two weeks the composers talk to Pedro Boléo, to reveal us different aspects of their sonic universe: from the aspects connected with the music aesthetics and compositional technique, through philosophical or even political reflections, up to more practical subjects regarding their everyday life. For each Música Hoje programme the invited guests bring a selection of works important within their artistic growth.
This cycle of radio broadcasts – every two weeks on Fridays, at 1h00 a.m. on the >> Antena 2 – is yet another opportunity to get to know better art and invention music created in Portugal. The Na 1.ª Pessoa cycle is presented by Pedro Boléo, with the authorship of Miguel Azguime and Pedro Boléo and coordination by Jakub Szczypa.
All the Cycle's programmmes are available on the >> RTP – Play:
>> 20 / 03 / 2020 · In the 1st Person with Isabel Soveral
>> 06 / 03 / 2020 · In the 1st Person with Rui Penha
>> 21 / 02 / 2020 · In the 1st Person with Daniel Schvetz
>> 06 / 02 / 2020 · In the 1st Person with Jaime Reis
>> 24 / 01 / 2020 · In the 1st Person with David Miguel
>> 10 / 01 / 2020 · In the 1st Person with António de Sousa Dias · Part 2
>> 27 / 12 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with João Quinteiro
>> 13 / 12 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Patrícia Sucena de Almeida
>> 29 / 11 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Amílcar Vasques-Dias · Part 2
>> 15 / 11 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Amílcar Vasques-Dias · Part 1
>> 01 / 11 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Carlos Marecos
>> 17 / 10 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Daniel Martinho
>> 04 / 10 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with José Mesquita Lopes
>> 19 / 09 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Daniel Moreira
>> 06 / 09 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Diogo Alvim
>> 23 / 08 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with António Ferreira
>> 09 / 08 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Cândido Lima · Part 2
>> 26 / 07 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Cândido Lima · Part 1
>> 12 / 07 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with António Chagas Rosa
>> 28 / 06 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with João Pedro Oliveira
>> 31 / 05 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Igor C. Silva
>> 19 / 04 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Christopher Bochmann
>> 05 / 04 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Nuno Peixoto de Pinho
>> 22 / 03 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Vítor Rua
>> 08 / 03 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with Ângela Lopes
>> 21 / 02 / 2019 · In the 1st Person · special programme dedicated to José Luís Ferreira · Parte 2
>> 08 / 02 / 2019 · In the 1st Person · special programme dedicated to José Luís Ferreira · Part 1
>> 25 / 01 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with [ka'mi]
>> 11 / 01 / 2019 · In the 1st Person with António de Sousa Dias · Parte 1
>> 28 / 12 / 2018 · In the 1st Person with Álvaro Salazar
>> 14 / 12 / 2018 · In the 1st Person with Gonçalo Gato
>> 30 / 11 / 2018 · In the 1st Person with Bruno Gabirro
>> 16 / 11 / 2018 · In the 1st Person with João Castro Pinto
>> 02 / 11 / 2018 · In the 1st Person with Ernesto Rodrigues
>> 19 / 10 / 2018 · In the 1st Person with Hugo Vasco Reis
>> 05 / 10 / 2018 · In the 1st Person with Jorge Peixinho
>> 21 / 09 / 2018 · In the 1st Person with Constança Capdeville · Part 2
>> 07 / 09 / 2018 · In the 1st Person with Constança Capdeville · Part 1
Composers on-line
In this temporary MIC.PT Newsletter section created for the time of social isolation, we promote virtual initiatives by the Composers Published by the MIC.PT – on-line concerts/ performances/ conferences, new creations, on-line premieres of new recordings, calls, ...
In this sense, we invite the Composers Published by the MIC.PT to share with us their on-line creations and/ or activities.

Covid-19 Data Sonification #65 is the title of the new sonic creation by Pedro Rebelo, which is available on the >> Vimeo Channel of this composer published by the MIC.PT. "Data sonification maps statistical figures to sound and is used to explore data patterns through time. This project uses data from the World Health Organization Situation Reports in which global figures are presented for population infected with Covid-19 and new deaths related to the virus by day, between the 21st January 2020 and the 25th March 2020" – explains Pedro Rebelo. For more details concerning Pedro Rebelo's new project, follow the link:
>> Covid-19 Data Sonification #65.

Two Antena 2 Recitals where Miguel Azguime's music was performed by the five soloists – Sílvia Cancela (flute), Pedro Carneiro (marimba), Nuno Pinto (clarinet), Hugo Queirós (contrabass clarinet) and Elsa Silva (piano) – took place on December 17 and February 18 at the O'culto da Ajuda in Lisbon. At the end of March the video recordings from these concerts have been premiered on the renovated >> YouTube Channel of this composer published by the MIC.PT, whose 60th anniversary is celebrated throughout 2020.
For more details follow the links:
>> Et s’il à l’issue (2019) for flute and electronics, performed by Sílvia Cancela;
>> Trabalhos da Madeira (2017) for marimba and electronics, performed by Pedro Carneiro;
>> No Oculto Profuso (2009) for clarinet and electronics, performed by Nuno Pinto;
>> Avoir l’Air (2019) for contrabass clarinet and electronics, performed by Hugo Queirós (world premiere);
>> Descriptions de la Matière (2015) for piano and electronics, performed by Elsa Silva.
3 / 04, at 1h00 a.m.
In the 1st Person: Sara Carvalho

The In the 1st Person Cycle, with interviews to contemporary composers residing in Portugal, continues with a conversation with Sara Carvalho. Apart form being a composer Sara Carvalho is professor and researcher at the University of Aveiro in the areas of Composition and Music Education. As composer Sara Carvalho has been particularly interested in the interaction between performative arts, as well as in all the aspects associated with the narrative, music gesture and collaboration between composition and performance. She has composed chamber and orchestral music works, regularly performed both in Portugal and abroad. In 2012 the Numérica label released her first monographic CD, 7 Pomegranate Seeds. Many of her scores are published by the Portuguese Music Research and Information Centre – MIC.PT.

17 / 04, at 1h00 a.m.
New CD releases with Portuguese Music

Música Hoje (Music Today) continues to disseminate contemporary music, giving space to some programmes dedicated to new CDs with music by Portuguese composers. Thus, we interrupt temporarily our cycle Na 1.ª Pessoa (In the 1st Person) with interviews to contemporary composers. It will be resumed as soon as it becomes possible. In this programme we will listen to some of the more recent recordings made by the pianist Joana Gama: the CD Arcueil released last year (Miasoave & BOCA), including works by Marco Franco and Vítor Rua, along with pieces by John Cage, Morton Feldman, Erik Satie and Federico Mompou; and her CD dedicated to Fernando Lopes-Graça and Amílcar Vasques-Dias, Travels in my homeland/ Viagens na minha terra (Grand Piano Records).
New scores on the MIC​.​PT
The score edition by the MIC.PT aims at distributing scores of works by Portuguese composers, making them available on-line and thus pro-moting the choice of Portuguese mu-sic among musicians & researchers.

Carlos Alberto Augusto (CAA0005)
TMIE (2016) · soprano and electronics
Jaime Reis (JReis0004)
Voces Excipere (2017) · twelve voices
Manuel Brásio (MBra0001)
Grubemanco (2015) · six clarinets and percussion
Nuno Peixoto de Pinho (NPin0004)
Dialogismos III (2013) · flute and guitar
Nuno Peixoto de Pinho (NPin0003)
ERSO (2013) · flute
Sara Carvalho (SC0019)
Begin at the beginning... (2010) · flute and guitar
NEW CDs on the MIC​.​PT
Joana Gama · Arcueil

· Works by: Marco Franco · Erik Satie · Federico Mompou · John Cage · Morton Feldman · Vítor Rua

· Joana Gama · piano

Edition: Miasoave and BOCA
Archipelago · Luís Tinoco
Drumming – Percussion Group

· Works by Luís Tinoco:
Short Cuts (F) (2004) · Mind the Gap (2000) · Genetically Modified Fados (2018) · Zoom In – Zoom Out (2010) · Ends Meet (2002) · Archipelago (2019) · Steel Factory (2006)

Edition: Odradek Records
Nel mezzo del cammin
3 / 03, National Museum of Ancient Art, Lisbon
Lisbon Ensemble 20/21
Pedro Pinto Figueiredo · musical direction
Marina Camponês (flute) · Filipe Dias (clarinet) · José Pereira (violin) · Ângela Carneiro (cello) · Paulo Pacheco (piano)
5-7 / 03, Sobralinho Palace, Vila Franca de Xira
Sofia Silva (choreography) · Margarida Belo Costa, Teresa Alves da Silva (dancers) · Margarida Marecos (voice) · Instrumentistas (recordings): Daniel Bolito, Sara Llano (violin) · Leonor Fleming (viola) · Nuno Cardoso (cello) · Bruno Belthoise, João Costra Ferreira (piano) · Alexandre Lyra Leite (light design) · Rita Leite (graphic design) · Fernando Tavares (technical direction) · Alexandre Lyra Leite, Fátima Encarnado (photography) · Production – Inestética 2020
Beyond the Void
10 / 03, Casa da Música, Porto
Pulsat Percussion Group · André Dias, Eduardo Cardinho, Nuno Simões and Pedro Góis
MIC​.​PT Highlights
Manuel Brásio · New Composer Published by the MIC.PT

In March Manuel Brásio has joined the group of Composers Published by the MIC.PT, having presently one work in the Catalogue of Scores Published by the MIC.PT – Grubemanco (2015) for six clarinets and percussion. Additionally, six more scores of his authorship are being prepared to be published by the MIC.PT, during the months to come. Manuel Brásio, composer, sound designer and percussionist, graduated form Composition at the ESMAE in Porto, having worked with Filipe Vieira, Carlos Azevedo, Carlos Guedes, Fernando C. Lapa, Daniel Moreira, Pedro Santos, Dimitris Andrikopoulos, Eugénio Amorim, Rui Penha and Fredrick Gifford. Manuel Brásio was scholarship holder of the Gulbenkian Foundation in the framework of the Contemporary Music Experiences project. In July 2016 he made his Master's in Multimedia – Interactive Music and Sound Design at the FEUP. Presently, he directs associative projects dedicated to artistic invention, such as the AISCA (Viana do Castelo) and Interferência (Porto).
World New Music Days 2020 in New Zealand · Festival Postponed

"With much sadness, I must announce that the double festival of >> ISCM World New Music Days and Asian Composers League Festival cannot take place in 2020. This difficult decision has been necessitated by recent global developments, as governments attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19" – announced the WNMD 2020 director Glenda Keam; and she continued: "The Composers Association of New Zealand (CANZ) has been asked by the ISCM to postpone the World New Music Days in New Zealand by two years, which would mean hosting the festival and General Assembly meetings in the year of the ISCM’s Centenary. CANZ is very hopeful that this will be possible, and that insofar as it is possible, the musical works that were carefully submitted and selected for performance this year will instead be presented in 2022." The WNMD 2020 programme has included three works by Portuguese composers, selected in the framework of the WMND 2020 oficial submission by the Miso Music Portugal/ MIC.PT, as Portuguese Section of the ISCM. The works are: over the sands time stands still (2016), for violin, cello and piano, by Sara Carvalho; Íris-abandono… (2016), for vibraphone, by Paulo Bastos; and Colours (here in) (2018), for mixed choir, by Daniel Davis.
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