Agenda do MIC.PT . Concursos & Calls . Arquivo (2017-11)

The 6th International Composition Prize Fernando Lopes-Graça |2017

Deadline for submissions: 20 October 2017 | Data limite entrega de trabalhos: 20 de Outubro de 2017

The Council of Cascais, The Fundação D. Luís I and the Portuguese Music Museum promotes in 2017 the 6th International Composition Prize – Fernando Lopes-Graça (17th edition), to honor the memory of this great Portuguese Composer (1906-1994).


The Prize is intended for all composers regardless of age and nationality, who may wish to send an original piece (not previously played in public, recorded or published in commercial score and reproduced in Cd, or that has won any other prize until the close of the Prize on December 17th 2017. The Prize organization will give the première of the winning piece. Each competitor is only allowed to present one piece.

The piece must be written for piano four hands and have duration between 7’ and 10’.
It may include the playing inside the piano (with the fingers, drumsticks, plectrums, etc.), but the instrument, for logistics reasons of the concert presentation of winners, cannot be "prepared" in any way, on pain of immediate exclusion of the work.


The Prize comprises a value of 2000 Euros, the edition of the score by a Portuguese publisher chosen by the Council of Cascais (unless the winner has an exclusive contract with another publisher or decide to give up part of the prize), and the première of the winning work in Portugal; The Prize it is indivisible and it won’t be any ex aequo winners. The jury may decide to not award the Prize if the quality of the submitted pieces is judged below the standards of the competition. However, regardless of the Prize, the jury can decide to award Mentions of Honor if the quality of the works demands it.


António Pinho Vargas | Composer (President)
Sérgio Azevedo | Composer
Nuno Corte-Real | Composer
Secretariat: Conceição Correia - Portuguese Music Museum

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38th Young Composer Competition, 2017 Frederic Mompou International Award Barcelona

Deadline for submissions: 19 August 2017 | Data limite entrega de trabalhos: 19 de Agosto de 2017


Any composer who is not over 35 years of age on December 31, 2017 can participate in this competition.
The works must be completely unknown. They must not have been previously performed, published or disseminated in any way or in any computer sound file.
The musical formation this year is for:

Trio for clarinet, cello and piano

The style and scoring methods of the work are completely unrestricted. The recommended duration is between 10 and 18 minutes.


The Frederic Mompou International Award for 2017 consists of:

• The amount of €4.000. This amount will be subject to Spanish taxation.
• Publishing and marketing of the winning score by Editorial Boileau publishing house.
• The premiere of the work in a concert within the “Xarxa de Músiques a Catalunya” (Music Network in Catalonia) in order to create new audiences for contemporary music.

The Frederic Mompou International Award cannot be shared or declared void.
The jury reserves the right to award two honorary mentions.
The 2017 winner cannot compete again until the competition of 2020.

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Prémio Nacional de Composição Coral
Manuel Emílio Porto
1ª Edição 2017

Deadline for submissions: 30 June 2017 | Data limite entrega de trabalhos: 30 de Junho de 2017


Coro Misto e Vozes Brancas


Christopher Bochmann, Antero Ávila e Jorge Matta

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Electroacoustic Music Competition

Deadline for submission: 28 May 2017 | Data limite entrega: 28 de Maio de 2017

The International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music is pleased to announce the biennial PRIX CIME 2017 international composition competition. The International Confederation of Electroacoustic Music (ICEM) was founded in 1981 in Bourges, France and since then it is member of the International Music Council (IMC). CIME-ICEM is a non-profit international organization consisting of National Federations and International Organization Members (OIM). Today, the ICEM consists of fourteen National Federations: FARME (Argentina), FeBeME - BeFEM (Belgium), CECh (Chile), CEMC (China), LNME (Cuba), Charm of Sound (Finland), BEAN (Great Britain), HELMCA (Greece), AARSOM (Mexico), PSeME (Poland), Miso Music (Portugal), AMEE (Spain), AMEG (Switzerland), and UAEM (Ukraine); and of nine International Organization Members: GrupLac in Bogota (Colombia), MISAME in Paris (France), HCMF in Budapest (Hungary), Spectro Center in Tehran (Iran), CMMAS in Morelia (Mexico), CEAMMC in Moscow (Russia), The Orquesta del Caos in Barcelona (Spain), ICST in Zurich (Switzerland) and CEMI in Denton (USA).

The competition is divided in two categories:

• Category 1: Prix CIME - Open to all composers regardless age.
• Category 2: Residency Prix CIME - Open to all composers born after December 31, 1987.

Competition Guidelines

• The competition is open to all regardless of gender, nationality, affiliation and regardless if your country of residence is member of ICEM.
• Applicants may submit only one work
• Only works written within the last 5 years will be considered.
• Anonymous submission is not required.
• There is no duration limitation
• There is no entry fee.
• Open to all forms of electroacoustic music including:<

- fixed electronics
- instrument(s) and electronics (fixed and/or live)
- video music
- sound art including new interfaces

• Work in progress will not be considered.

Jury Members

James Andean (Finland)
Miguel Azguime (Portugal)
Catalina Peralta C. (Colombia)
Rodrigo Sigal (Mexico)
Andrea Szigetvári (Hungary)
Todor Todoroff (Belgium)
Zhang Xiaofu (China)
Alla Zagaykevych (Ukraine)


1. The competition will award the following prizes:

• Category 1 - Prix CIME (the prize could be divisible in the case of ex aequo).
• Category 2 - Residency Prix CIME (1 to 4 residencies).

2. The Studio Residencies for category 2 include 1-2 weeks studio support, accommodation and meals arranged by each center independently. The participating centers will be announced in due time.

3. The selected works from both categories will receive:

- ICEM CD/DVD release
- Distribution to the ICEM members for concert/broadcast programming, including the ICEM annual festival.
- Online publication.
- There is no prize money for the awarded works.

4. The jury has the right to award Honorable Mentions.

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Call for Papers

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 28 April 2017 | Data limite entrega de abstracts: 28 de Abril de 2017

Call for Papers:

The relation between Sound and Image, two different languages within the multimedia art form, and the technological tools to improve this relationship are at the nucleus of this symposium. There are many research areas that address this problem in one way or another. Our main focus will be not only on the relationship itself, discussing the argument from both technical-linguistic and aesthetic points of view, but also the discussion on how technology is enabling these two mediums to merge, creating tools of manipulation that enhance not only the artist’s creativity but also the audience’s immersion.

Submission Deadlines:

Abstracts and Posters for the Conference
Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 28th, 2017.
Pre-notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts: June 28th, 2017.
Deadline for submission of the reviewed abstracts: July 28th, 2017

Full paper for the publication in the Conference Proceedings
Submission deadline: January 28th, 2018.
Pre-notification of acceptance or rejection of full papers: March 28th, 2018.
Deadline for submission of the reviewed full papers: June 28th, 2018.
Publication: July, 2018

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Prémio De Composição Acordeão
Fundação INATEL / Associação FOLEFEST
1.ª Edição – 2017

Deadline for submissions: 28 April 2017 | Data limite entrega de trabalhos: 28 de Abril de 2017

Objetivos do Concurso:

Promover e incentivar a criação musical contemporânea para acordeão na vertente erudita.
Contribuir para o desenvolvimento, em quantidade e qualidade, de repertório específico para acordeão.
Sensibilizar os compositores portugueses para a criação de novas obras para acordeão.


Este Prémio destina-se a compositores de nacionalidade portuguesa ou a estrangeiros residentes em Portugal, de qualquer idade, mediante a apresentação de obra inédita.


Entrega de composições até ao dia 28 de Abril de 2017
Comunicação de resultados até ao dia 31 de Maio de 2017


Luís Tinoco | Compositor
Daniel Moreira | Compositor
Paulo Jorge Ferreira | Acordeonista e Compositor (Presidente)

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Concurso De Composição CMC

Deadline for submissions: 17 April 2017 | Data limite entrega de trabalhos: 17 de Abril de 2017


Promover a criação de música contemporânea erudita, portuguesa.
Afirmar o Conservatório de Música de Coimbra como uma escola de referência na prática e ensino da composição ao nível secundário.
Estabelecer o concurso como um evento regular do plano anual de atividades.


Alunos de qualquer escola oficial de música que, no corrente ano letivo, estejam inscritos, a pelo menos uma disciplina, no curso secundário de música, em qualquer variante de ensino (alunos de Curso Livre não podem ser opositores ao Concurso).


O júri terá um número ímpar de elementos e será constituído por professores de A.T.C./Composição e elementos da Direção do CMC.

Submissão de Obras:

A data limite para submeter partituras é o dia 17 de Abril de 2017 (validado pelo carimbo dos CTT).
As obras devem ser apresentadas em edição gráfica editadas por computador, bem como acompanhadas de respectiva gravação áudio ou MIDI (em suporte de CD ou Pendrive).
Cada compositor pode apenas concorrer com uma obra.
As obras premiadas serão anunciadas na página da internet do Conservatório de Música de Coimbra ( e comunicadas, até 30 de Abril de 2017, por email aos vencedores.

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Composition Competition
"Walter Ferrato" 2017

Deadline for submissions: 15 April 2017 | Data limite entrega de trabalhos: 15 de Abril de 2017

Composition Competition "Walter Ferrato" - 1st edition - 2017

The association Ensemble Nuove Musiche is organizing a competition aimed at new compositions; the winning scores will be performed by the Ensemble Nuove Musiche in a concert in the 5th edition of the Festival Internazionale di Musica di Savona, in June 2017.


-The competition is open to all nationalities with no age limit and with limitless styles of composition.

-The presented compositions must not have received any awards in other competitions, or other call for scores, but they may have already been performed. Published scores may be presented, but they must not incur any monetary cost to the association (editorial rental fees of parts or fees for the performance).The categories of compositions are as follows:

Solo instrument

• Solo Flute. The performer may use: flute in G, flute in C, piccolo
• Cello solo
• Piano solo (also prepared with discretion)


• Piano (also prepared with discretion) and Flute (in G, in C, piccolo)
• Piano (also prepared with discretion) and Cello
• Flute (in G, in C, piccolo) and Cello


• Piano (also prepared with discretion), Flute (in G, in C, piccolo) and Cello

-The use of electronic devices is not permitted. The length of the composition must be between minimum 2 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes.
Each candidate may present one or more compositions in the same category and/or different categories.

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18th International Electroacoustic Composition Competition - Música Viva 2017
18.º Concurso Internacional de Composição Electroacústica - Música Viva 2017

Deadline: January 31, 2017 | Data limite: 31 de Janeiro de 2017

In order to encourage the creation and the diffusion of new electroacoustic works, Miso Music Portugal promotes the 18th International Electroacoustic Composition Competition MÚSICA VIVA 2016.

The deadline to submit works is January 31st 2017. The awarded piece will be announced during the Festival Música Viva 2017, which will take place at O’culto da Ajuda in Lisbon, between the 20th and 27th May 2017.

A fim de incentivar a criação e a difusão de novas obras electroacústicas, a Miso Music Portugal promove o 18.º Concurso Internacional de Composição Electroacústica MÚSICA VIVA 2017.

A data limite para apresentação das obras a concurso é 31 de Janeiro de 2017, e o premiado será anunciado no decorrer do Festival Música Viva 2017, que terá lugar no O’culto da Ajuda em Lisboa, entre 20 e 27 de Maio de 2017.

Miguel Álvarez-Fernández
Paulo Ferreira-Lopes
Miguel Azguime

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First International Electroacoustic Composition Competition

Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2016| Data limite entrega de trabalhos: 31 de Dezembro de 2016

First International Electroacoustic Composition Competition

In an attempt to encourage the creation and diffusion of new electroacoustic works, Contemporary Music Lab of Aristotle University is organizing the first International Electroacoustic Composition Competition IANNIS XENAKIS.


-The competition is anonymous and open to composers of any nationality and age, each of whom may submit only one work, not commercially published or awarded a prize in any other competition.

-The works submitted for the competition shall be acousmatic compositions. They are meant to be diffused by loudspeakers in concert, without any intervention of live sound sources. They might implement a maximum of 8 channels and must have a duration between 7 and 15 minutes.

-All applications must be sent via (or equivalent web file transfer service) in a single ZIP file to the email: [please write in the subject of the email Xenakis Competition 2016).

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International Conference "Public Art In the Digital Creativity Era" (27-28 April 2017)

Deadline for the submission of abstracts: November 24th 2016
Notification of acceptance: December 15th 2016
Submission of full-paper/Poster: February 2nd 2017
Notification of acceptance: March 2nd 2017

Email address for sending abstracts and full-papers:
Subject: Colóquio Arte Pública


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37.º Frederic Mompou International Award:
Concurso de composição para jovens compositores

Presentation deadline: Saturday, August 20th, 2016 (incl.) | Data limite: Sábado, 20 de Agosto de 2016

37. Concurs de Joves Compositors, 2016 - Premi Internacional Frederic Mompou - Barcelona:
37º Concurso de Jovens Compositores, 2016 - Prémio Internacional Frederic Mompou - Barcelona:

37th Young Composer Competition, 2016 - Frederic Mompou International Award - Barcelona:

Any composer who is not over 35 years of age on December 31, 2016 can participate in this competition.
The works must be completely unknown.
They must not have been previously performed, published or disseminated in any way or in any computer sound file.
The musical formation this year is for: Woodwind Trio (oboe, clarinet, bassoon)
The style and scoring methods of the work are completely unrestricted.
The recommended duration is between 10 and 18 minutes.

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Call for scores - Women Composers - Festival Osmose Belgium

Presentation Deadline: May 31, 2016

We kindly invite Women composers to submit scores.
The call is open to women composers of any nationality and age.
Pieces should be written for professionnal duo cello/piano, only one work per composer.
Submitted work must be premiered work in Belgium (not yet performed in Belgium).
Duration : 3 minutes
Participation fee : 20 € (euros) (the entry fees are not refundable)
Registration becomes effective after receipt of the fee
Link :
Please send short CV (10 lines), proof of the paiement and readable score format PDF to the following address :
Deadline : May, 31, 2016
The 10 selected scores will be perfomed at least two times in Belgium and the jury will select 15 added scores for a third concert abroad - Grand-Duché de Luxemburg, organizer and composer Albena Petrovic.
Composers will be given a copy of the recording of their work. Selected composers will be notified by email on June, 30, 2016.

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Call for papers / Old is New: The Presence of the Past in the Music of the Present

Deadline for proposals: March 26, 2016

Old is New: The Presence of the Past in the Music of the Present is a 3-day conference
aiming to discuss the subject of the legacy of the past in music. We invite composers, scholars, musicians
and other performers, teachers, philosophers and interested researchers, to contribute with proposals
covering the whole range of questions involved in the subject.

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9th International Composition Competition of Póvoa de Varzim
9.º Concurso Internacional de Composição da Póvoa de Varzim

Deadline: March 21, 2016 | Data limite: 21 de Março de 2016

Jury/Júri: Sara Carvalho (President/Presidente), Luís Tinoco, Fernando Lapa e Ricardo Ribeiro

The 9th International Composition Competition of Póvoa de Varzim is organized annually by the International Music Festival of Póvoa de Varzim (FIMPV), with the aim to award chamber music works by composes born after July 31, 1975. The ensemble invited to perform for the 2015/16 edition is the Remix Ensemble Casa da Música, in the following formation: flute, clarinet, piano, violin and cello (without conductor). The deadline for submission of the unpublished works, with obligatory duration between eight and fifteen minutes, ends on March 21, 2016. The finalists will be announced on April 29, and the first performances of the selected works will take place at the 2016 edition of the FIMPV in July.

O 9.º Concurso Internacional de Composição da Póvoa de Varzim é organizado anualmente pelo Festival Internacional de Música da Póvoa de Varzim (FIMPV), tendo como objectivo premiar obras de câmara de compositores nascidos depois de 31 de Julho de 1975. O agrupamento convidado para a edição 2015/16 é o Remix Ensemble Casa da Música, na seguinte formação: flauta, clarinete, piano, violino e violoncelo (sem maestro). O prazo para entrega das obras inéditas, e com a duração entre oito e quinze minutos, termina no dia 21 de Março de 2016. Os finalistas serão anunciados a 29 de Abril, sendo que as estreias das obras seleccionadas decorrerão na edição do FIMPV de 2016 em Julho.

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17th International Competition of Electroacoustic Composition - Música Viva 2016
17.º Concurso Internacional de Composição Electroacústica - Música Viva 2016

Deadline: January 31, 2016 | Data limite: 31 de Janeiro de 2016

In order to encourage the creation and the diffusion of new electroacoustic works, Miso Music Portugal promotes the 17th International Electroacoustic Composition Competition Música Viva 2016.

A fim de incentivar a criação e a difusão de novas obras electroacústicas, a Miso Music Portugal promove o 17.º Concurso Internacional de Composição Electroacústica Música Viva 2016.

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International Composition Competition Vittorio Fellegara – Second Edition 2015

Deadline: October 10, 2015

Under the patronage of:
City of Bergamo, Teatro Donizetti, Donizetti Foundation,
University of Bergamo, ISSM Donizetti, Associazione Musica Aperta,
MIA Foundation, Athenaeum of Bergamo
with the collaboration of SCONFINARTE – Edizioni Musicali
President of the promoting Committee: Tiziana Moneta Fellegara

The 2015 competition is devoted to compositions for voice and instrument(s) (up to a maximum of three, chosen from piano, violin and clarinet). Texts in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish can be used.

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Call for Scores / Works - ISCM World Music Days 2016

Deadline: August 31, 2015

Tongyeong International Music Festival kindly invites composers to submit their scores, projects or installations. The ISCM World Music Days will take place in Tongyeong, South Korea, from 29 March to 3 April, 2016.

According to the “Rules of Procedure for the Organisation of the ISCM World Music Days Festival”, submissions should be either official (by ISCM Members) or individual. Only one work per composer may be submitted for a given ISCM-WMD Festival, whether through official or individual submissions.

An official submission by a Section or Full Associate Member will enjoy the exclusive right to the guaranteed performance of at least one submitted work at the ISCM-WMD Festival, providing the submission fulfils the requirements for official submission specified in the “Rules of Procedure for Membership Categories”. Preference will be given to shorter compositions, and to pieces composed after 2007.

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Prémio de Composição SPA / Antena 2 - 2015
4.ª Edição

As candidaturas deverão ser enviadas por correio registado até ao dia 27 de Julho de 2015 (data de recepção)

Com o objectivo de promover e incentivar a criação musical erudita contemporânea e de divulgar o trabalho dos jovens compositores, a Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores e a RTP/Antena 2 voltam a promover o Prémio de Composição SPA/Antena 2 destinado a compositores de nacionalidade portuguesa ou estrangeiros residentes em Portugal há mais de quatro anos, nascidos a partir de 1 de Janeiro de 1980.

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PERFORMA 2015 - International Conference on Musical Performance
PERFORMA 2015 - Encontro de Investigação em Performance

Chamada de trabalhos / Call for papers

Deadline: February 28, 2015 (abstracts), April 30, 2015 (articles)
Data limite: 28 de Fevereiro de 2015 (propostas), 30 de Abril de 2015 (artigos)

The University of Aveiro and INET-MD (Institute of Ethnomusicology - Centre for Music and Dance Studies) and the Brazilian Association of Musical Performance (ABRAPEM) will host PERFORMA’15, a conference on performance studies, from June the 11th until June the 13th, 2015 in Aveiro, Portugal. The organization is with the collaboration of the Graduate Studies Program of the Instituto de Artes of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. The keynote-speakers will be Prof. Marcel Cobussen, from the Leiden University in the Netherlands (and from Orpheus Institute in Ghent, Belgium), and Prof. Tia DeNora, from the University of Exeter, UK. This conference seeks to generate and present new perspectives on musical performance through interdisciplinary dialogue. 

A Universidade de Aveiro e o INET-MD (Instituto de Etnomusicologia - Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança) e a Associação Brasileira de Performance Musical (ABRAPEM) realizam, entre 13 e 15 de Junho de 2015, o Congresso PERFORMA’15 – Encontros de Investigação em Performance, em Aveiro, Portugal. A organização contará com a colaboração do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Música do Instituto de Artes da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Os oradores principais serão: Prof. Marcel Cobussen, da Universidade de Leiden, Holanda (é também professor convidado no Instituto Orpheus Institute em Ghent, na Bélgica), e a Prof. Tia DeNora, da Universidade de Exeter, no Reino Unido. O PERFORMA’15 tem como objetivo apoiar e apresentar perspectivas inovadoras em investigação sobre performance musical, incentivando o diálogo interdisciplinar.

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16th International Competition of Electroacoustic Composition - Música Viva 2015
16.º Concurso Internacional de Composição Electroacústica - Música Viva 2015

Deadline: April 15, 2015 | Data limite: 15 de Abril de 2015

In order to encourage the creation and the diffusion of new electroacoustic works, Miso Music Portugal promotes the 16th International Electroacoustic Composition Competition Música Viva 2015.

A fim de incentivar a criação e a difusão de novas obras electroacústicas, a Miso Music Portugal promove o 16.º Concurso Internacional de Composição Electroacústica Música Viva 2015.

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I Concurso de Composição Festival Internacional In Spiritum
Prémio Joaquim Simões da Hora

Deadline: February 9, 2015

Com a conclusão do restauro de alguns conjuntos de órgãos duplos em ambos os países ibéricos, vem renascendo igualmente a prática de concertar música a dois órgãos. A recente restauração do conjunto de órgãos duplos da Igreja dos Clérigos do Porto, executada pelo Taller de Organería Acitores de Palencia, vem abrir uma nova e importantíssima via para a interpretação tanto do repertório histórico original para órgãos duplos como para a composição de novas obras que venham vivificar contemporaneamente o paradigma de simetria visual e sonora intrínseco aos órgãos duplos, revitalizando uma tradição de excepção que se confunde com a própria história e evolução do órgão barroco ibérico, da qual representa, indubitavelmente, o máximo apogeu.
O 1º Concurso de Composição Festival Internacional IN SPIRITUM é parte integrante do mesmo. Organizado em co-produção com a ARTWAY, Lda., atribuirá o Prémio Joaquim Simões da Hora, tendo por base a apresentação de uma obra original para os 2 órgãos da Igreja dos Clérigos. O presente concurso tem por objectivo estimular a criação artística musical; alargar o repertório contemporâneo e a sua circulação; contribuir para a dinâmica viva do património (material e imaterial) inerente ao Festival Internacional IN SPIRITUM através da apresentação da obra premiada, colocando todo o processo de composição, interpretação e performance em perfeita harmonia, disponível ao público.

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Pémio Internacional de Composição - Órgãos do Palácio Nacional de Mafra

Deadline: April 10, 2015

O Secretário de Estado da Cultura e o Município de Mafra promovem o Prémio Internacional de Composição – Órgãos do Palácio Nacional de Mafra, visando criar novo repertório para o magnífico conjunto dos seis órgãos históricos da Basílica de Mafra e, ao mesmo tempo, gerar uma dinâmica de valorização deste património único. As candidaturas estão abertas até 10 de Abril de 2015.

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8.º Concurso Internacional de Composição da Póvoa de Varzim (CICPV)

Deadline: March 23, 2015

De 10 a 25 de julho de 2015 irá realizar-se o 37º Festival Internacional de Música da Póvoa de Varzim.
No âmbito do Festival, está disponível o Regulamento do 8º Concurso Internacional de Composição da Póvoa de Varzim (CICPV).
O concurso, que compreende a modalidade de Música de Câmara (Prémio Câmara Municipal da Póvoa de Varzim), tem como objetivo premiar obras de compositores nacionais e estrangeiros nascidos depois de 31 de julho de 1974.
O prazo para entrega das obras concorrentes termina a 23 de Março de 2015. Cada candidato poderá apresentar um máximo de uma peça na categoria a concurso. Posteriormente, o júri, constituído pelos compositores Vasco Mendonça (Presidente), Alexandre Delgado, Fernando Lapa e João Madureira, fará uma pré-seleção até ao máximo de duas obras finalistas, seleção essa que será anunciada a 20 de abril de 2015.

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Call for Scores / Works - World Music Days Slovenia 2015

Deadline: October 31, 2014

The Slovenian section of the ISCM kindly invites composers to submit scores, projects or installations for the ISCM World Music Days, which will take place in Slovenia from September 26 to October 1, 2015. According to the Rules of Procedure for the Organisation of the ISCM World Music Days Festival, submissions should be either official (by ISCM Members) or individual. Only one work per composer may be submitted for a given ISCM-WMD Festival, whether through official or individual submissions.

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Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2015

Deadline: 30 September 2014

Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall: Takemitsu Memorial aims to stimulate creative activities in the field of music, following the principles of "Prayer, Hope and Peace" that the late artistic director, Toru Takemitsu originally set out. As a way to embody these ideas and provide a "Window to the Future" this international composition award in Mr. Takemitsu's name continues to encourage a younger generation of composers who will shape the coming age thru their new musical works.
This Award is unique in that each year only one judge (without committee) is responsible for the outcome. Each year, the judge examines the submitted scores and selects by his own judgment the compositions to be awarded. Our foundation appoints 3 composers to judge the competition in 3-year cycles. For the first cycle, Mr. Takemitsu himself chose the first three composers to head the competition. After Mr. Takemitsu's passing, the initial 3 composers nominated their 3 successors.
Since 2003, the selection of judges is made by ballot among the Foundation's Advisors Committee (whose members have included the late Hiroyuki Iwaki, Oliver Knussen, Kent Nagano, Kazushi Ono, Simon Rattle, Esa-Pekka Salonen and the late Hiroshi Wakasugi) and the previous judges.

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IV Prémio Internacional de Composição Fernando Lopes-Graça

Deadline: 19 September 2014

O Prémio destina-se aos compositores de qualquer nacionalidade e idade que desejem apresentar uma obra inédita (i.e. nunca antes tocada publicamente, gravada ou publicada em disco ou partitura comercial, ou que tenha ganho qualquer outro prémio até à data de fecho do Prémio, a 17 de Dezembro de 2014), reservando-se a organização do Prémio a estreia absoluta da obra vencedora. Cada concorrente poderá apenas candidatar-se com uma única obra.
A obra deverá ser escrita para guitarra e ter uma duração entre 8’ e 12’.

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8th Biennal Competition for Acousmatic Competition

Deadline: 12 April 2014

The eighth biennal competition for acousmatic competition organised by Musiques & Recherches (M&R) is launched!
Categories of participants:
category A composers aged 28 or less in 2014 and electroacoustic composition students (proving such quality). There is no registration fee.
category B composers willing to register in this category and aged 50 or less in 2014. Registration fee for category B amounts to 20 € for each participant

All details about the competition and the prizes are enclosed in the Competition Regulation on the left of your screen. Please read all instructions carefully.

The deadline for applying, sending your work as well as all documents mentioned in the regulation (bio, notice of the work, copy of ID/Passport, catalog of the works) is 12 April 2014.
Acousmatic: Pre-recorded work composed in studio, projected on loudspeakers in concert, without any intervention of other live sound sources.

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7º Concurso Internacional de Composição da Póvoa de Varzim

Deadline: 24 March 2014

O Festival Internacional de Música da Póvoa de Varzim (FIMPV) anuncia a sétima edição do Concurso Internacional de Composição da Póvoa de Varzim (CICPV). O Concurso tem como objectivo premiar obras de compositores lusófonos. Assim, poderão concorrer compositores oriundos de Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Macau, Moçambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor Leste; ou compositores de outras nacionalidades residentes há mais de quatro anos nos países de expressão lusófona. Só serão aceites inscrições de candidatos nascidos depois de 31 de Julho de 1973.

A formação de câmara disponível para a edição de 2014 é o Ensemble Darcos (flauta , oboé, clarinete, piano, violino, viola e violoncelo, aos quais pode ser acrescentada uma voz de soprano). As obras a concurso poderão utilizar parte ou a totalidade da formação mencionada; a formação escolhida não poderá, no entanto, ser inferior a um trio, com ou sem utilização da voz. Caso seja utilizada a voz de soprano, e no caso de haver texto, este deverá ser exclusivamente de língua portuguesa, de autores provenientes de qualquer país e de qualquer época.

O júri é constituído pelos compositores Nuno Côrte-Real (Presidente), Fernando Lapa, Carlos Azevedo e Carlos Marecos.

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1º Concurso Internacional de Composição GMCL/Jorge Peixinho

Deadline: 28 February 2014

Iº Concurso Internacional de Composição GMCL/Jorge Peixinho é organizado pelo Grupo de Música Contemporânea de Lisboa e tem como objetivos centrais o incentivo à criação musical e a divulgação do trabalho de jovens compositores, contribuindo para o incremento do repertório contemporâneo de música de câmara.

O Júri será constituído pelos seguintes elementos, tendo como presidente: Ivan Fedele.
Os outros membros do júri serão: Gerhard Stabler; Helmut Flammer; Aldo Brizzi; Jean Sebastien Béreau; Christopher Bochmann; Clotilde Rosa João Madureira; Jorge Sá Machado;

Poderão concorrer a este concurso candidatos de todos os países, com idade inferior a 40 anos no dia 31 de Dezembro de 2013. As obras a concurso deverão ser enviadas por correio registado, até ao dia 28 de Fevereiro de 2014.

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Sond'Ar-te Electric Ensemble 5th Composition Competition

Deadline: 15 January 2014

In order to encourage the creation and dissemination of new musical works the Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble is organizing the 5th edition of the Composition Competition "New Chamber Music with Electronics". It is open to composers of any age and nationality and the deadline for submission of works is January 15, 2014.

The winning work will be performed by the Sond’Ar-te Electric Ensemble on March 7, 2014 at the Centro Cultural de Cascais. 

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3º Prémio Internacional de Composição Fernando Lopes-Graça

Deadline: 17 December 2013

O Prémio destina-se aos compositores de qualquer nacionalidade e idade que desejem apresentar uma ou mais obras inéditas (i.e. nunca antes tocadas publicamente gravadas ou publicadas em disco ou partitura comercial, ou que tenham ganho qualquer outro prémio até à data de fecho do Prémio, a 17 de dezembro de 2013), reservando-se a organização do Prémio a estreia absoluta da obra vencedora.
A obra deverá ser escrita para coro infanto/juvenil (vozes iguais) "a cappella" ou com acompanhamento de piano, ser dividida em vários andamentos/partes ou escrita num único andamento, e ter uma duração entre 5' e 10' na totalidade. Deve ser usada, em geral, uma textura a duas ou mais vozes, não se aceitando obras ao uníssono. A linguagem musical, tipo de notação e estética da obra são livres, podendo o compositor usar todos os meios de produção possibilitados pela voz e pelo corpo.
A temática da obra deverá estar relacionada com o Natal, quer de forma literal e direta, quer de uma forma mais livre ou indireta (utilizando, por exemplo, apenas conceitos mais abrangentes, como a alegria do nascimento, a utilização de parábolas que de alguma forma se relacionem com o tema, etc.). Com estes objetivos em vista, o compositor poderá usar textos da mais variada natureza e das mais diversas fontes, desde textos sacros e espirituais até textos populares. Em qualquer dos casos, a língua e/ou vocabulário a usar deverá ser o Português, não se aceitando traduções portuguesas de textos escritos originalmente noutras línguas.
No caso de os textos escolhidos não serem de domínio público, os candidatos deverão obter (e juntar à documentação a entregar) uma declaração do autor/editora no sentido destes autorizarem o uso dos textos na composição musical, a cedência dos direitos de autor para o concerto de estreia em Cascais, e ainda a publicação em partitura da obra se esta for laureada (no caso de edição da obra, o contrato entre o compositor, a editora musical e o autor/editora do texto será feito através da Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores que mediará as partes interessadas).

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Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2014

Deadline: 30 September 2013

Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall: Takemitsu Memorial aims to stimulate creative activities in the field of music, following the principles of "Prayer, Hope and Peace" that the late artistic director, Toru Takemitsu originally set out. As a way to embody these ideas and provide a "Window to the Future" this international composition award in Mr. Takemitsu's name continues to encourage a younger generation of composers who will shape the coming age thru their new musical works.
This Award is unique in that each year only one judge (without committee) is responsible for the outcome. Each year, the judge examines the submitted scores and selects by his own judgment the compositions to be awarded. Our foundation appoints 3 composers to judge the competition in 3-year cycles. For the first cycle, Mr. Takemitsu himself chose the first three composers to head the competition. After Mr. Takemitsu's passing, the initial 3 composers nominated their 3 successors.
Since 2003, the selection of judges is made by ballot among the Foundation's Advisors Committee (whose members have included the late Hiroyuki Iwaki, Oliver Knussen, Kent Nagano, Kazushi Ono, Simon Rattle, Esa-Pekka Salonen and the late Hiroshi Wakasugi) and the previous judges.

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14th Electroacoustic Composition Competition Música Viva 2013

Extended Deadline: 20 August 2013

In order to encourage the creation and the diffusion of new electroacoustic music, Miso Music Portugal promotes the 14th Electroacoustic Composition Competition Música Viva 2013.
The works submitted for the competition shall be electroacoustic pieces, composed and recorded in studio. They are to be projected by loudspeakers in concert, without any intervention of live sound sources. They may include a maximum of eight channels and should have duration between five and fifteen minutes.
The competition is open to composers of any nationality and age, each of whom may submit only one work, which was not commercially published or awarded a prize in any other national or international competition. Any previous Música Viva prize-winning composer will not be allowed to submit a work during the two years following the prize award.

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Second edition of composition competition “Île de créations”

Deadline: 20 August 2013

The Orchestre national d'Île-de-France organizes its second edition of composition competition "Île de créations" in partnership with Radio France – France Musique, Musique Nouvelle en Liberté, Durand-Salabert-Eschig publishing editions and SACEM.
This composition competition is opened to student aged less than thirty-two years old, all nationalities and enrolled in composition and/or orchestration class in France.
Candidates must write a ten minutes Intermezzo for orchestra. Registrations will be closed on August 20th, 2013 and the score must be given back on October 1st, 2013.
Jury will be directed by the music director of the Orchestre national d'Île-de-France and constituted by orchestra's musicians and members of our partners (Radio France – France Musique, Musique Nouvelle en Liberté, Durand-Salabert-Eschig publishing editions and SACEM).
The laureate's work will be performed by the Orchestre national d'Île-de-France in Gaveau concert hall on Thursday, 3th April 2014 and will be on tour from March 28th to April 6th, 2014 in Paris region. The work will be broadcasted on Alla Breve, France Musique radio's broadcast. Durand-Salabert-Eschig publishing editions will release the score and the laureate's price will be offered by Musique Nouvelle en Liberté.

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Close Closer 2013

Extended Deadline: 31 July 2013

Miso Music Portugal, The Lisbon Architecture Triennale and the Música Viva Festival 2013 convoke composers to send electroacoustic miniatures to be part of a sound installation of the Triennale.
The call is directed to composers of all ages and nationalities.
The aim of the call is the creation of electroacoustic sound miniatures in stereo or up to 5 channels (duration: 2-5 minutes) under the theme of “Close, Closer” that will be presented as a sound installation.
Only one electroacoustic work per composer is accepted.

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6th European Competition for Live Electronic Music Projects 2013

Deadline: 1 April 2013

he ECPNM – European Conference of Promoters of New Music hosts the sixth European competition for the composition and interpretation of live-electronic music projects. The organising partners of this competition are members of the ECPNM such as: EULEC in Lüneburg / Hamburg, Germany; MISO Music, Portugal; Gaudeamus Muziekweek, the Netherlands
The organizers of this competition are looking for project proposals that demonstrate in an innovative way new possibilities for the combination of instruments and live-electronics as well as innovative use of live-electronics with the composer as a performer. A maximum of three projects in each category will be selected by a jury (representatives of the above-mentioned organisations); these projects should be pre-produced by the applicants and will then be premiered at a final concert during the Gaudeamus Muziekweek in September 2013 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Further performances will take place during events of the organisations mentioned above in 2013/14.

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The Pierrot Lunaire Internationl Composition Competition 2013

Deadline: 31 December 2012

Composers from all over the world without age limitation -are invited to present works for the Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien.
1. Prize: Euro 5.000, - and minimum three performances by the Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien. during its 2013-2014 international concert tour season. Additionally, the Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Wien could create a list of pieces which it suggests for performance along with the prize-winning pieces during the 2013-2014 international concert tour season.
Deadline for entries: December 31st, 2012 (certified by the post office stamp)

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EIGHT BRIDGES | Music for Cologne Composition Competition

Deadline: 30 November 2012

In the framework of the festival EIGHT BRIDGES | Music for Cologne we are holding a composition competition, which will take place for the fourth time in 2013. Composition students born after 1 January 1985 are invited to present new works for string quartet and electronics.

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X Annual Symphony Composition Contest for Bands "City of Torrevieja"

Deadline: 31 October 2012

The municipal cultural institute, ‘Joaquin Chapaprieta’ has organised the (tenth) annual ‘SYMPHONY COMPOSITION CONTEST – CITY OF TORREVIEJA’ which will take place under the following rules:
1.- All those composers who wish to participate may do so.
2. The compositions should be original and unedited an-d not be a copy, modification or a version of any existing composition nor have been previously published through any media. Any entry which has been, or appears to have been previously presented to the public or received its ‘premier’ outside of this competition may be disqualified by the decision of the jury. The composition should have a duration of more than fifteen minutes and less than twenty minutes.

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Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition of Belgium

Deadline: 31 October 2012

The Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition of Belgium is holding a composition competition, which will take place in the month of December 2012. The purpose of this competition is to select the work that will be compulsory for participants in the final of the same organisation's Piano Competition in 2013.
The work, which can be in any form, must last about 10 minutes and be written for Piano accompanied by a symphony orchestra. The work, which will be played in a competition for Pianists of a very high level, should display the candidate musician's qualities as a Pianist and musicality, taking into account the fact that the twelve finalists will have just eight days to learn the work and will only have limited rehearsal time with the orchestra. Composers taking part in this competition cannot enter the 2013 Piano competition. The world premiere of the winning work will take place in the main concert hall of the Brussels Centre for Fine Arts (Palais des Beaux-Arts) on 27 May 2013, on the first evening of the finals of the Piano competition. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the finals of the 2013 Piano competition will be broadcast, live and/or pre-recorded, on radio, television, and the Internet. They will also be recorded. These recordings may be released in various formats (CD, DVD, etc.).

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1 º Prémio Jovens Compositores Música de Banda "Villa La Senia"

Deadline: 30 October 2012

L’Agrupació Musical Senienca y el Comité Organitzador del Certamen Internacional de Bandes de Música Vila de la Sénia, convocan el 1r PREMIO INTERNACIONAL PARA JÓVENES COMPOSITORES DE MÚSICA PARA BANDA VILA DE LA SÉNIA con el objectivo de fomentar y enriquecer el patrimonio musical y cultural de las bandas de música, así como también para estimular la creativitat de los jóvenes compositores en esta especialidad instrumental para contribuir a aumentar el catálogo de composiciones para orquestas de vientos y percusión.

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2nd International Forum for Young Composers

In order to stimulate the creation and circulation of new music works, the Sond'Ar-te Electric Ensemble, the Goethe Institut in Lisbon and the Musikhochschule in Munich are organizing the second edition of the Sond'Ar-te International Forum for Young Composers, which will be taking place between October 6th and 10th 2012 at the Goethe Institut in Lisbon. 

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33 Young Composer Competition, 2012 - Frederic Mompou International Award

Deadline: 28 September 2012

In memory of F. Mompou and his wife C. Bravo, who were its Honorary Presidents.
Any composer who is not over 35 years of age on December 31, 2012 can participate in this competition. The works must be completely unknown. They must not have been previously performed, published or disseminated in any way or in any computer sound file. In hommage to Frederic Mompou on the 25th anniversary of his death, the musical formation this year is for: Solo Piano.
The style and scoring methods of the work are completely unrestricted. The recommended duration is between 12 and 20 minutes.

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Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2013

Deadline: 28 September 2012

Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall: Takemitsu Memorial aims to stimulate creative activities in the field of music, following the principles of "Prayer, Hope and Peace" that the late artistic director, Toru Takemitsu originally set out. As a way to embody these ideas and provide a "Window to the Future" this international composition award in Mr. Takemitsu's name continues to encourage a younger generation of composers who will shape the coming age thru their new musical works.
This Award is unique in that each year only one judge (without committee) is responsible for the outcome. Each year, the judge examines the submitted scores and selects by his own judgment the compositions to be awarded. Our foundation appoints 3 composers to judge the competition in 3-year cycles. For the first cycle, Mr. Takemitsu himself chose the first three composers to head the competition. After Mr. Takemitsu's passing, the initial 3 composers nominated their 3 successors.
Since 2003, the selection of judges is made by ballot among the Foundation's Advisors Committee (whose members have included the late Hiroyuki Iwaki, Oliver Knussen, Kent Nagano, Kazushi Ono, Simon Rattle, Esa-Pekka Salonen and the late Hiroshi Wakasugi) and the previous judges.

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13th Electroacoustic Composition Competition Música Viva 2012

Extended Deadline: 15 September, 2012

In order to encourage the creation and the diffusion of new electroacoustic music, Miso Music Portugal promotes the 13th Electroacoustic Composition Competition Música Viva 2012.
The works submitted for the competition shall be electroacoustic pieces, composed and recorded in studio. They are to be projected by loudspeakers in concert, without any intervention of live sound sources. They may include a maximum of eight channels and should have duration between five and fifteen minutes.
The competition is open to composers of any nationality and age, each of whom may submit only one work, which was not commercially published or awarded a prize in any other national or international competition. Any previous Música Viva prize-winning composer will not be allowed to submit a work during the two years following the prize award.

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13th International Competition "Premio Trio di Trieste"

Deadline: 15 September 2012

The “Associazione Chamber Music” is organizing the Composition Contest for Chamber Music Ensembles - in collaboration with “Chromas - Associazione Musica Contemporanea” and with the support of the Conservatory of Music "Giuseppe Tartini" - in honour to the composer Giampaolo Coral. This event serves the purpose of increasing the contemporary repertoire of Piano Trios and Piano Quartets, and also to motivate composers to engage in compositions for Chamber Music Ensembles.

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International Composition Prize 2013, Luxembourg Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra

Deadline: 15 September 2012

The Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music announces its 10th International Composition Prize for 2013 in cooperation with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.
Composers from all over the world – regardless of age – are invited to present new works for an orchestra consisting of seven traditional Chinese instruments and seven classical western instruments.

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Mauricio Kagel Composition Competition

Deadline: 1 September 2012

Considering the relative overabundance of piano literature, it would be seemingly foolhardy to stage a composition competition promoting the creation of new pieces for piano.  Everything appears to exist already, even pieces for children and young adults.  Still, far too frequently it is precisely this contemporary „educational literature“ which proves lacking in artistic qualities; accompanying a reduction in technical difficulty, with an objectionable reduction in the notion of what children and young adults are capable of understanding – both intellectually and emotionally.
We are looking for piano pieces written for children and young adults which, although limited in their technical difficulty, remain uncompromising in their artistic aim; pieces written with a contemporary compositional technique which offer the young student stimulus, insight and new experiences: experiences about oneself and the world in which we live.
With the creation of this competition, the Institute Ludwig van Beethoven would like to ensure that such quality pieces are more prevalent in the future and to this end we invite composers to accept the challenge by enrolling in the competition.
wIn the course of a week’s time an audience comprised of students, teachers, and performing artists will be given the chance to listen as the jury evaluates the different ways this challenge has been addressed by the composers.  The jury will assess not only the artistic quality of the pieces, but also the question: what does a piano student learn from these pieces?  And in addition the discussion will cover what makes a piece exciting and what is future-oriented; while at the same time never loosing sight of the technical limits implied when composing for children and young adults.

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Soundcrawl 2012

Deadline: 1 September 2012

Considering Soundcrawl welcomes new media submissions from composers, video artists, sound engineers, sound artists & tinkerers from every corner of the world.  If it's adventurous, beautiful, artistic and "plugs in." we'd love to hear it! Video works, installation art and live performances are also welcome.  

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10° International Composition Competition "Romualdo Marenco" - Edition 2012

Deadline: 31 July 2012

The town of Novi Ligure is holding the 10th International Composition Competition “Romualdo Marenco”, in honour of the great Musician from Novi, in order to promote the composition of band music and to increase the contemporary repertoire. The organizing body, means supporting the 10th International competition for band composition, with a competition reserved to the composition of an original work for instrument – saxophone quartet.

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Prémio de Composição SPA / Antena 2

Deadline: 27 July 2012

Com o objectivo de promover e incentivar a criação musical erudita contemporânea e de divulgar o trabalho dos jovens compositores, a Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores e a RTP/Antena 2 promovem o Prémio de Composição SPA / Antena 2 destinado a compositores de nacionalidade portuguesa ou estrangeiros residentes em Portugal há mais de quatro anos, nascidos a partir de 1 de Janeiro de 1982.

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Sound Walk 2012

Extended Deadline: 30 June, 2012

Call for Electroacoustic Miniatures - Música Viva Festival 2012 – Sound Walk – Theme “sound text composition”
Miso Music Portugal and the Música Viva Festival 2012 convoke composers to send electroacoustic miniatures to be diffused at the Sound Walk installation during the Música Viva Festival 2012 (October 6 to 10, 2012) at the Goethe Institut in Lisbon. Sound Walk is an outdoor sound installation for the Goethe Institut Garden.
The call is directed to composers of all ages and nationalities.
The aim of the call is the creation of electroacoustic sound miniatures (duration: 2-5 minutes) in 2012 under the theme of “sound text composition”

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International Competition for Music Creation for Women Composers

Deadline: 30 June 2012

For women visibility in music
Magistralia has announced the 4th edition of its International Competition for Music Creation for Women Composers. This activity, which takes place every two years, looks forward the visibility of women´s work in music, allowing both the performance of contemporary music created by women in Spanish orchestras.
In previous occasions, the winners were the Italian composer Alessandra Bellino, with Le Gabbie di Danae, the Chinesse Zhang Qing with Poems Orchid Pavillion and the Canadian-Tajik Farangis Nurulla-Khoja with her work Parparon. The jury is formed by several prestigious women in the musical scene, either performers, musicologists and conductresses. This competition has the support of WIMUST -Women In Music Uniting Strategies for Talent-, a triennial project promoted by the International Foundation Donne in musica, which, in Spain, counts with the collaboration of the Euterpe-Musica and Women Association and the Women in Music Association.

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World Music Days 2014 - Call for Scores/Projects

Deadline: 30 June 2012

We kindly invite you to submit scores/projects for The ISCM World Music Days Wrocław 3–12 October 2014. Due to the “Rules of Procedure for the Organisation of the ISCM World Music Days Festival”, submissions should be official (by ISCM Members) or individual. Only one work per composer may be submitted for a given ISCM-WMD Festival, whether through official or individual submissions. Categories No. 6 and 16 are excluded from such limitations. That means that a composer whose compositions were submitted as an official or individual entry in one of the other categories, could additionally submit entries in categories No. 6 or 16 as an individual entry (the entry fee is obligatory for each additional entry in such categories).
An official submission by a Section or Full Associate Member only, will enjoy an exclusive right of having at least one submitted work guaranteed to be selected for performance in the ISCM-WMD Festival, if the submission fulfils the following rules: The official submission should consist of exactly six works (which is specified in the “Rules of Procedure for Membership Categories”). Over half of the total number of submitted works must be in different categories, as specified in this “Call for Scores/Projects”.Multimedia and electronics are possible in each category. Preference will be given to shorter compositions, and to pieces composed after 2006.
The full version of “Call for Scores/Projects” and categories for entries are available at regulation.

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International Composition Competition for youth orchestra - "Bruno Maderna" 2012

Deadline: 20 June 2012

The composition must not exceed the following instrumentation: 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 1 alto sax, tympani and percussions (3 performers), 2 acoustic guitars, 1 keyboard, 3 trumpets, 1 flugelhorn, 2 trombones, strings.
The composition, being aimed at students, should not exceed the degree of difficulty indicated.   
Duration: between 8’ and 12’   
Total prizes amount: 2000 Euro 
Performance of selected pieces 
Publication of the selected scores by Edizioni Sconfinarte 

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Oper’Actuel 2013 - Works In Progress

Deadline: 15 June 2012

Chants Libres, and its Artistic and General Director Pauline Vaillancourt, are proud to announce the fourth edition of Oper’Actuel — Works in Progress. The previous editions (1998, 2004 and 2008) gave 17 composers the opportunity to see and hear their works in progress, and gave 25 young singers the chance to gain experience in the development of new opera scores. With this event, our company is able to discover the work of young composers, librettists and singers, while developing their potential, and to give different musical groups an opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas. The event also opens the door to a younger audience stimulated by the presence of young performers, and records a DVD of the work for each selected composer.
In this way, we are developing a future audience base, attracted by their curiosity about new forms of opera, and by consequence, the future work of Chants Libres.

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Spatialisation Competition "Espace du Son" - For the performance of acousmatic works

Deadline: 15 June 2012

Spatialised performance of acousmatic pieces deals with directing sounds on multiple loudspeakers spread accross the concert room. Musiques & Recherches' acousmonium has 76 loudpseakers and an analogic console that allows 44 pathes of spatial projections. The performance competition is "manual", i.e. without computer-based system memorising spatial configurations. The performer is hands on the console during the competition. His/her physical presence during the performance is required.
The competition is open to the public. It will take place at the Theatre Marni in Brussels during the XIX° international acousmatic festival "L'Espace du Son", which will take place from 24 to 28 October 2012.
Registrations and other documents requested in the Competition Regulation must be sent to Musiques & Recherches by email by 15 June 2012 (Brussels time), at the latest. There are no registration fees.
Each participant selected for the final will perform four stereo works, including: a work imposed by the jury, a work of his/her choice (personal compositions not allowed), two works drawn the day before his/her performance from a list of pieces proposed to the participant after his/her registration.
The maximal duration of each work is 10 minutes. The prizes will be awarded at the end of the festival.

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InShadow – Festival Internacional de Vídeo, Performance e Tecnologias

Deadline: 1 June, 2012

A 4ª edição do InShadow – Festival Internacional de Vídeo, Performance e Tecnologias, abre convocatória para recepção de propostas nos géneros:
a) Vídeo-dança e vídeo-arte / selecção para a Competição Vídeo-dança, na qual os filmes são candidatos a 8 prémios atribuídos pelo Júri Oficial, Júri Escolas, Júri Vo’Arte e público
b) Documentários sobre processos de criação artística / selecção para exibição na Competição DocShadow
c) Performance (solos) / a integrar a secção SoloShadow
d) Instalações / a apresentar em espaços alternativos
InShadow é uma iniciativa inovadora da Vo’Arte em co-produção com o São Luiz Teatro Municipal. Na sua 4ª edição, o Festival volta a afirmar-se como uma referência no território da criação contemporânea transdisciplinar, apresentando propostas inéditas da representação do corpo no ecrã e no palco, com destaque para a convergência entre a imagem e o corpo e processos de criação artística fundados na tecnologia.
A programação integra: Competição de vídeo-dança e vídeo-arte; Competição de documentários – DocShadow; Espectáculos; Performance (solo) – SoloShadow; uma secção destinada ao público infanto-juvenil – LittleShadow, uma forte componente de formação com workshops e masterclasses destinados a público especializado e ao grande público, bem como instalações e exposições que expandem o Festival pela cidade.

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International Composition Competition Franco Evangelisti 2012

Deadline: 31 May 2012

Associazione Nuova Consonanza, together with the Santa Cecilia Conservatory of Rome, Edizioni Suvini Zerboni and Rai Radio3, announces the XV edition of the International Composition Competition “Franco Evangelisti”.
The 2011 Competition is dedicated to violin soloist or viola soloist and electronics and is open to composers of any nationality and of any age.
Scores should be for violin soloist or viola soloist and electronics. The electronic part must be playable from a data storage device. Pieces involving live electronics are NOT admitted.
The overall duration of the work should be from 7 (seven) to 15 (fifteen) minutes.
The electronic part should be from 2 (two) to 8 (eight) channels.

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Composers Competition 5th Brandenburg Biennial

Deadline: 19 May 2012

Patronage: Dr. Dietlind Tiemann
Mayor of the City of Brandenburg an der Havel
The Association of Friends of the Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra (Förderverein Brandenburger Symphoniker) announces a competition for composers of symphonic music. The competition is international and open to all age groups.
 Brandenburg Composer's Prize:
The winner of the Brandenburg Composers' Prize will receive 5.000 Euro for a commission to compose an orchestral work for the Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra or for the first performance of a not yet performed rendered composition. In both cases, the work will receive its premiere performance in the Industrial Museum of Brandenburg (former Steelworks).
Brandenburg Da Capo Prize consists of a second or a further performance of one of the submitted pieces by the Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra.

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Unique Forms of Continuity in Space - International Composition Competition and Workshop

Deadline: 15 May 2012

To celebrate the 2012 Week of Italian Language throughout the World, the Italian Institute of Culture, Melbourne, in collaboration with, The Elder Conservatorium of Music University of Adelaide, The National Conservatory "Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina " of Cagliari, The INA-GRM of Paris, The J.M. Coetzee Centre for Creative Practice, Soundstream New Music Collective, The Taukay Edizioni Musicali, and The Jeunesses Musicales Italy Modena Section, will sponsor an international competition and workshop for composers.
The title of the competition, "Unique Forms of Continuity in Space", is derived from the famous sculpture by Italian futurist artist Umberto Boccioni. This international composition competition and workshop is an opportunity for composers to express the originality of their musical ideas and aims to contribute to the creation of a large and eclectic body of art works, with rich implications in the relationship between music and poetry.

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3° Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Strumenti di Pace

Deadline: 30 April 2012

The International composition competition “Strumenti di Pace” was born from the intuition of putting into music the vocation of the Fondazione Opera Campana dei Caduti to spread the communication culture. The art of sounds seemed to us the more adequate to transmit the concept of peace because of its universal language, able to keep a high degree of intelligibility at any latitude. In particular the complex articulation of contemporary music is able to represent at the same time the need and the difficulty to understand the other, to enter in a relations with the different, to deal with the differences with an open attitude.
Borrowing the invective against the “notes dealer” proposed by Giuseppe Mazzini in his Philosophy of music, the competition is addressed to composers and enthusiasts that “in Art feel the government, and understand the huge influence that it could have on societies, if pedantry and venality haven’t reduced it to a servile mechanism and a toy for lazy, rich people.”

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1st International Alkema Composition Contest 2012

Deadline: 27 April 2012

‘Composers see the horizon’ - Henk Alkema -
1. Organisation
The 1st International Alkema Composition Contest is organised by MatchingArts in collaboration with Utrechts Conservatorium, The Netherlands. The competition will take place in the months of April - June 2012 and is linked to the 11th edition of ‘Festival het Havikconcert’, Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
2. Purpose of the competition
To stimulate and perform new compositions that can be distinguished by other contemporary works by means of cross-over elements. Composers will be challenged to write actual and up-to-date compositions. The first edition in 2012 of this composition contest will be for new written music for saxophone and piano. These instruments are perfectly suited to demonstrate cross-over elements and have a broad and diverse expression range. On top of that, both instruments are trend-setting in both modern and contemporary classical music. During the next competition editions, other instrumentations will be asked for.
3. Composition
MatchingArts invites composers to write a composition between six (6) and eight (8) minutes for one saxophone (soprano, alto, tenor or baritone) and piano (or keyboard/sampler). Addition of electronics or tape is allowed, this should however not be the major part of the composition. Important is that the composition contains a cross-over of stiles, preferably a combination of contemporary classical music with popular music (e.g. jazz, pop, rock).
4. Deadline
The submitted composition should be received by MatchingArts on the address mentioned on the Application Form no later than the 27th of April 2012 (the date of the postmark will be considered as the only valid proof of the mailing date). Compositions received after that date will not be included in the competition.
5. Participation
The 1st International Alkema Composition Contest is open for composers of all ages and all nationalities.

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Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium 2012

Deadline: 23 April 2012

The Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) and New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) are pleased to announce the 2012 edition of the Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium (TES). TES has become a consistently creative and cohesive point of contact between diverse electroacoustic (EA) communities and the Toronto scene. We are now inviting proposals for papers, compositions and performances (deadline: 23 April 2012).
The 2012 symposium is the sixth annual iteration of this important opportunity for exchange between diverse EA communities. In recent years, a number of themes have emerged, among them laptop orchestras and electronic ensembles, exchanges between popular and “unpopular” traditions, “Sound plus Image”, and telematic performances. Proposed presentations and performances / screenings related to the theme “Near and Far — Inner and Outer Sound Places” are especially welcome!

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Concours de composition électroacoustique !

Deadline: 15 April 2012

The Department of Music and the International Relations Department of the University Paris 8 is holding an international composition competition for electronic music in the framework of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the European Erasmus Program.
Musical works on CD/DVD or live electronics for two to eight speakers may be submitted. Music students in Master degree from European institutions (universities, conservatories, etc.) – in progress or obtained after January 1, 2009 – may participate.
The dead line is : April 15th.
There is no application fee.

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Metamorphose Competition 2012

Deadline: 12 April 2012

The seventh biennal competition for acousmatic competition
There are two categories of participants:
•    category A open to composers born in 1984 and after, as well as composition students (proving such quality). There is no registration fee for A category;
•    category B open to composers born in 1963 and after. Registration fee for category B amounts to 16,00 € for each participant
All details about the competition and the prizes are enclosed in the Competition Regulation on the right of your screen. Please read all instructions carefully.
The deadline for applying, sending your work as well as all documents mentioned in the regulation (bio, notice of the work, copy of ID/Passport, catalog of the works) is 12 April 2012.
Definition : Acousmatic: Pre-recorded work composed in studio, projected on loudspeakers in concert, without any intervention of other live sound sources.

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II International Meeting for Chamber Music - International Call for Composers

Deadline: 7 April 2012

Composers are invited to submit scores for the II International Meeting for Chamber Music at the University of Évora. Composers must send full score along with parts in PDF file format to with copy Please, include short curriculum vitae, contact information and availability to attend to the concert. Priority is given to composers who intend to present an introductory paper on the concert day, at his or her own expenses (there are not fees neither funds).
Works must be scored to:
* Contemporary Ensemble: 2 clarinets, 1 bass clarinet, 1 piano, 2 guitars. Higher priority given by the ensemble director Dr Christopher Bochmann.
* Duo: Clarinet and bassoon (only few compositions will be performed by the Duo).

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Prix Annelie de Man 2012, First International Competition for composers and harpsichordists

Deadline: 2 April 2012

The Foundation Annelie de Man organizes in cooperation with the November Music Festival in Den Bosch (the Netherlands) a competition for composers and harpsichordists to promote and support contemporary harpsichord repertoire. The biannual competition will take place during the November Music Festival, the 1st competition will take place from November 7 – 11 2012.
This competition will also take place biannually, in both cases under the name of Prix Annelie de Man. In all of the entered works, the harpsichord should have a prominent (solo) role. The works should not exceed a duration of 15 minutes, mark that works with a shorter duration will be accepted. In principle it is assumed the works are conceived for harpsichord (solo) with or without electronics and/or ensemble with a maximum of 5 musicians. Works with a larger number of performers are not excluded, however there is a risk a performance may practically not be possible during November Music 2012.

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Fifth International Composition Competition

Deadline: 1 April 2012

The Molinari Quartet is pleased to announce its Fifth International Competition for Composition for string quartet.
Composers are invited to submit an original work for string quartet. The best compositions will be played in concert during the Molinari Quartet’s Twentieth and Beyond series to be held in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) during the 2012-2013 season.
The jury will be comprised of the Molinari Quartet’s artistic director and its musicians, in addition to well-known Canadian composers Jean Lesage et Nicols Gilbert who will determine four winners. The winning compositions will be performed by the Molinari Quartet during a special concert during the 2012-2013 season. After the concert performance the jury will deliberate and choose the order of the winners. The First Prize winner shall receive a $3000 grant as well as a silkscreen by renowned Canadian artist Guido Molinari. The second prize winner will receive a $2000 grant and the third prize winner a $1000 grant. The jury reserves the right not to grant all three prizes.
The winners will be invited to work with the Molinari Quartet prior to the concert and to participate in the Dialogues at the Chapelle, a public workshop of discussions and analysis produced by the Molinari Quartet.

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ECPNM European Competition for Live Electronic Music Projects

Deadline: 1 April 2012

The ECPNM – European Conference of Promoters of New Music hosts the fifth European competition for the composition and interpretation of live-electronic music projects. The organising partners of this competition are members of the ECPNM such as: EULEC in Lüneburg / Hamburg, Germany; MisoMusic, Portugal; Gaudeamus Music Week, the Netherlands.
The organizers of this competition are looking for project proposals that demonstrate in an innovative way new possibilities for the combination of instruments and live-electronics as well as innovative use of live-electronics with the composer as a performer. A maximum of two projects in each category will be selected by a jury (representatives of the above-mentioned organisations); these projects should be pre-produced by the applicants and will then be premiered at a festival of one of the members of ECPNM in the fall of 2012 (place and time will be confirmed early 2012), and further performances will take place during events of the organisations mentioned above in 2013.

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Ninth International Composition Competition Città di Udine

Deadline: 31 March 2012

Taukay Edizioni Musicali and Delta Produzioni Associazione Culturale, with the participation of the Presidente della Repubblica Italiana, with the awards of Senato della Repubblica Italiana, of Camera dei Deputati, of Ministro della Gioventù and Fidapa, the patronage of the Rappresentanza Italiana della Commissione Europea, the Italian National UNESCO Commission, the Ministero degli Affari Esteri, the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, the Università degli Studi di Udine, the Istituto Giapponese di Cultura in Roma and with the support of the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Comune di Udine and the Fondazione CRUP, hereby open the Ninth International Composition Competition “Città di Udine”.
The competition is divided in two sections:
- instrumental compositions for chamber orchestra
- electro-acoustic music.
3 The competition will accept unpublished compositions by musicians of any nationality and of any age. Previously performed compositions will be accepted.

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International Composer Pyramid

Deadline: 30 March 2012

Sounds New Contemporary Music Festival (UK), together with Coup de Vents (France) are offering selected composers a unique opportunity to wite for the ICP Ensemble and have their works performed in both England and France.
In 2012, the final year of this three-year programme, ICP extends its Call for Scores to participants from around the world. The winning work will be offered publication subject to agreement by the House of Edition Peters.

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Concours de composition l'Inédit

Deadline: 21 March 2012

Le festival L’inédit a pour vocation la création et la diffusion de la musique vocale contemporaine. Chaque année L’inédit alterne un concours de composition, puis un festival de musique sacrée contemporaine, à l’occasion duquel sont invités un compositeur de renommée internationale et plusieurs chœurs européens. C’est dans le cadre de ce festival que sont interprétées pour leur première diffusion, les œuvres primées lors du concours de composition précédent. En 2012, à l’occasion du 600è anniversaire de la naissance de Jeanne d’Arc, le concours de composition est dédié à cette sainte.
• Festival L’inédit Rouen
• Diocèse de Rouen
• En partenariat avec la Maîtrise & Chœurs Saint-Evode de Rouen.
Conditions de Participation
• Le concours est destiné à tous les étudiants en composition, jeunes compositeurs et compositeurs confirmés.
• Présentation d’une à trois œuvres non encore créées (ni publiées, ni interprétées en public, et n’ayant fait l’objet d’aucun prix).
• Compositeurs de toute nationalité
• Les organisateurs se réservent les droits de première diffusion, à l’occasion du Festival L’inédit.

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The ALEA III International Composition Prize

Deadline: 15 March 2012

Composers of any nationality born after January 1, 1972 may participate. Only one composition per composer is permitted. No entry fee.
Works of any aesthetic direction from 6 - 15 minutes in duration may be submitted. Works may be for solo voice or instrument or for an ensemble up to fifteen players. Available instruments are: one flute (doubling piccolo or alto), one oboe (doubling English horn), one clarinet (doubling bass clarinet), one saxophone (a, s, t or b), one bassoon, one horn, one trumpet, one trombone, one tuba, two percussion players, one harp, one keyboard player, one guitar, two violins, one viola, one cello, one bass, tape and one voice.
One of the fifteen performers could play a traditional, folk, or rare instrument (solo or as a part of the ensemble), or could be an unusual specialized vocalist. Check here for more information.
One work per composer. All works must be unpublished and must not have been publicly performed or broadcast in whole or in part or in any other version before the announcement of the Prize in late September, or early October 2011. Works that have won another award are not eligible.
Anonymous entry.
6 - 9 works will be selected for performance in Boston by ALEA III under the direction of Theodore Antoniou in late September, or early October 2012. At the end of the concert one piece will be selected to receive the $2,500.00 ALEA III prize. The judges reserve the right to divide the award money or to decline to make an award.
The judges will be prominent personalities residing or working in the Boston area. The panel, consisting of composers, performers, conductors, musicologists and educators, aims for a balance among a variety of musical approaches.

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V Destellos Competition 2012

Deadline: 5 March 2012

The Foundation Destellos, call for works for the Fifth Competition of Electro-acoustic Composition and Visual Music, open to composers and artists of any nationality, age and gender.
The objectives of this competition are the promotion and development of the artistic creation in relation with new technologies. Likewise, it is an intention of the Foundation Destellos to stimulate the creativity of the young generations of artists and to provide them new routes of diffusion of their works.
The first prize will be attributed by Destellos and will consist of 500 American dollars and the performance of the piece into the two years after the competition.
Three second prizes, consisting of collections of CD of electroacoustic music, are offered by:
- The organization Akusma<Motus, of France
- The foundation Phonos of Barcelona, Spain.
- The organization Musiques et Recherches, Belgium
Several international institutions will offer likewise the diffusion of the winning works, through concerts, festivals, broadcasting and the web.

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Prix Ars Electronica 2012 - International Competition for CyberArts

Deadline: 2 March 2012

Since 1987, the Prix Ars Electronica has served as an interdisciplinary platform for everyone who uses the computer as a universal medium for implementing and designing their creative projects at the interface of art, technology and society.
The Prix Ars Electronica, the Ars Electronica Festival, the Ars Electronica Center – Museum of the Future and the Ars Electronica Futurelab are the four divisions that comprise the Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, whose specific orientation and long-term continuity make it a unique platform for digital art and media culture.
The competition is organized by the Ars Electronica Linz GmbH and ORF’s Upper Austria Regional Studio in collaboration with the OK Center for Contemporary Art and the Brucknerhaus Linz, and the prizes are awarded during the Ars Electronica Festival each year. The Prix Ars Electronica is one of the most important awards for creativity and pioneering spirit in the field of digital media.
The event calls for entries in seven categories, including a youth competition. And since internationally renowned artists from over 70 countries also participate in the Prix Ars Electronica, it has established itself as a barometer for trends in contemporary media art.
With 48,939 entries since 1987 and prize money in 2011 totalling 117,500 Euros, the competition offers the largest cash purse for cyberarts worldwide. Each year, six Golden Nicas, twelve Awards of Distinction and approximately 70 Honorary Mentions as well as a grant for the category [the next idea] voestalpine Art and Technology Grant are presented to participants.
Since media art is such a highly dynamic field, criteria for the categories have to be constantly modified and adjusted to societal and technological developments, and so updated to meet new demands.
The Prix Ars Electronica calls for entries and awards prizes in the following categories:
- Computer Animation / Film / VFX
- Interactive Art
- Digital Musics & Sound Art
- Hybrid Art
- Digital Communities
- u19–Create Your World
- [the next idea] voestalpine Art and Technology Grant

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XXXII Concours International de Musique Bruitiste «Luigi Russolo – Rossana Maggia»

Deadline: 29 February 2012

Since Studio Forum (Annecy) and Gràcia Territori Sonor (Barcelona) in collaboration with the Fundazione Russolo-Pratella de Varèse (Italia), once again announce the Luigi Russolo-Rossana Maggia competition now in its thirty-second edition ( With the goal of fomenting
the creation of experimental and electroacoustic music, especially that which is based on the sonic semantics of Luigi Russolo.
The Russian label Monochromevision (Moscow) will manufacture the CD that will contain the awarded pieces.
The competition is open to candidates from any country, composers/artists under the age of 35 at the date of the 29th of February 2012. There is one single category. Each candidate may only present one piece.

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Deadline: 15 February 2012

Composit is a new international summer festival for composers of new music. For its first edition, the Composit new music festival will take place from July 2nd through the 12th 2012 in the enchanting Villa Battistini located in the beautiful hills surrounding the city of Rieti, Italy, 50 miles outside of Rome.
Tristan Murail and Joshua Fineberg,the two leading figures of the spectral movement, will lead the participating composer in individual lessons and group discussions...

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VI Concurso Internacional Amadeus de Composición Coral

Deadline: 14 February 2012

Está dirigido a compositores corales y estudiantes de todas las nacionalidades, sin límite de edad, buscando con ello la proliferación y difusión de la música coral contemporánea y estimulando especialmente la composición sobre tema
Habrá dos modalidades: A. Voces Mixtas y B. Voces Iguales.
Premios: Podrá recaer más de un premio en una misma obra. La cuantía de los premios oscila es de 500 euros por modalidad, estreno, publicación de la obra, posible contrato editorial y promoción de la misma.
Habrá también otras calificaciones como "obra de interés". El jurado determinará con esta calificación a aquellos trabajos de ambas modalidades que, sin haber sido premiados, tengan calidad para ello. Todos serán obras que figurarán dentro del paquete de trabajos que la organización promoverá y promocionará en distintos foros especializados.

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The Intimacy of Creativity - call for composers

Deadline: 3 February 2012

The Intimacy of Creativity, the internationally-acclaimed, annual two-week Partnership devoted to promoting an intimate dialogue between composers and performers hosted by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), returns to Hong Kong 23 April – 6 May, 2012 for its exciting second season. Selected composers will present and revise their chamber music compositions after in-depth discussions between composers and performers during on-campus Open Discussions. The revised compositions will be formally presented at Preview Concerts at the Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall on the campus of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and World Premiere Concerts at the Hong Kong City Hall Theatre.

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Concurso de Composição Twiolins + Spes 2012

Deadline: 31 January 2012

Todos os compositores portugueses ou residentes em Portugal podem submeter composições curtas de 5 minutos de duração máxima.
Instrumentação: 2 violinos, viola pomposa e fagote.
Data limite de inscrição: 31 de janeiro de 2012.
Inscrição: enviar partitura, partes, pequeno curriculum vitae e identificação do autor (formato PDF) por e-mail para
com cópia para:

Composições serão avaliadas pelos duos Twiolins e Spes em:
1) exequibilidade (o grupo terá poucos ensaios)
2) clareza de escrita e de edição, incluindo viradas de página das partes.

O grupo selecionará algumas obras para apresentação do recital de premiação.
diploma ao compositor escolhido pelo grupo. MisoMusic oferece ao vencedor uma colecção de CDs da Miso Records. O prêmio será entregue pela Paula Azguime (Miso Music).
diploma ao autor da obra escolhida pela audiência.
Recital de premiação: 6 de março de 2012, terça-feira às 18:30 no auditório do Colégio Mateus D'Aranda, Departamento de Música da Universidade de Évora à Rua do Raimundo.

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Internationaler Kompositionswettbewerb

Deadline: 23 January 2012

The third International Composition Competition for percussion quartet has started.
It is open exclusively to students. A four-member jury will select three works from all entries, that will be performed at the festival EIGHT BRIDGES | Music for Cologne.

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World Music Days 2013 - Call for Works

Deadline: 31 December 2011

The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) is an important international network of members from around fifty countries, devoted to the promotion and presentation of contemporary music, founded in 1922.
To honour the fact that ISCM started its history in Salzburg, Austria, and one of the founding members was then Czechoslovakia, the idea of cooperation between the Slovak and Austrian ISCM sections arouse.
Austria and Slovakia for a long time belonged to one state, the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This gives the two countries years of common history, even though the historical experience thence gained might be different for each one. We would like to celebrate this unity and diversity alike through the topic of Gates – gates between the countries, their history and present, between the artists and audience, between the young world of musical apprenticeship and professionalism, between the known and the forgotten which exists in contemporary music…
We are proud that the most important event in the realm of contemporary music will in the year 2013 originate from a shared effort and in the spirit of togetherness in the host countries.

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XXIX Premio Reina Sofía de Composición Musical

Deadline: 31 December 2011

La Fundación Ferrer Salat convoca la 29 edición de este asentado premio destinado a estimular la creación musical en sus diferentes modalidades y facilitar a los compositores la posibilidad de que su música pueda ser interpretada, escuchada y difundida.
Está dirigido a compositores de todas las nacionalidades sin límite de edad. La dotación del premio es de 25.000 euros. La composición musical que opte a este Premio, destinado a la música sinfónica, deberá atenerse a una orquesta con plantilla máxima: 3(2+1).3(2+1).3 (2+1).3(2+1) Timp+4Perc.Arp.Pno/Cel, dejando a la libre elección del compositor la incorporación de coro, solistas y/o medios electroacústicos. El género de la obra es libre.

La partitura deberá estar debidamente encuadernada y ser perfectamente legible. La documentación deberán ser entregadas con acuse de recibo, o remitidas por correo certificado, con la mención “XXIX Premio Reina Sofía de Composición Musical”, antes del 31 de Diciembre de 2011 en el domicilio social de la Fundació de Música Ferrer-Salat, Diagonal 549, 5ª planta, 08029 Barcelona. El fallo del Jurado se hará público antes del 28 de febrero 2012.

El Jurado será nombrado por el Patronato de la Fundación asesorado por el Comité Musical de la misma. El Jurado podrá, por unanimidad, declarar desierto el Premio del Concurso si la calidad de las obras presentadas no es estimada suficiente. El Jurado se reserva el derecho de indicar otras composiciones dignas de ser mencionadas. Las decisiones del Jurado serán inapelables.

La obra ganadora será interpretada por la Orquesta de Radiotelevisión Española a finales de 2012. Una vez ejecutada, y durante el mismo acto, tendrá lugar la entrega del diploma del “XXIX Premio Reina Sofía de Composición Musical”.

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III Concurso Internacional de Composición ANM-Fundición BBVA

Deadline: 1 November 2011

1 El Ministerio de Cultura y la Fundación BBVA convocan la tercera edición del Concurso Internacional de Composición
Auditorio Nacional de Música – Fundación BBVA, que tendrá lugar en Madrid en el año 2011.
2 Podrán presentar obras compositores de cualquier nacionalidad y sin límite de edad, salvo los compositores ganadores de un
Primer Premio en ediciones anteriores.
3 Las obras que opten a este Concurso deberán ajustarse a una plantilla orquestal compuesta como máximo por los siguientes
· Cuerdas: 16/14/12/10/8
· Maderas: 4 flautas, 4 oboes, 4 clarinetes, 4 fagotes. Una flauta
puede tocar flautín o flauta en sol; un oboe puede tocar corno
inglés; un clarinete puede tocar clarinete bajo o clarinete
requinto en mi bemol; un fagot puede tocar contrafagot.
· Metales: 6 trompas, 4 trompetas, 3 trombones y una tuba.
· Percusión: 5 percusionistas como máximo, incluyendo
· 2 Arpas
· Piano/celesta (1 intérprete)
· Se pueden admitir hasta dos instrumentos adicionales no
contemplados en esta lista. Se admiten medios electrónicos y
hasta dos solistas instrumentales o vocales.
La duración de la obra no podrá ser inferior a 10 minutos ni superior a 15.
4 Las obras presentadas no podrán haber sido premiadas, estrenadas o editadas ni con el título que se presente ni con ningún otro. Si antes del fallo del Jurado la obra seleccionada ganase algún otro concurso, deberá comunicarlo inmediatamente a la organización pues ello invalida
automáticamente la participación en este Concurso.

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7th Dutilleux International Composition Competition

Deadline: 31 October 2011

1- Le 7ème Concours International de Composition Henri Dutilleux se déroulera à Saint-Pierre-Des-Corps (France).
Président : Henri Dutilleux - Vice-Présidente : Betsy Jolas
2- Le concours est ouvert aux compositeurs de toutes nationalités, sans limite d'âge. Chaque candidat devra présenter une oeuvre pour l'une des formations suivantes:
Catégorie A Quintette avec piano - Sextuor avec piano - Septuor avec piano / Durée : 10 à 15 minutes
Catégorie B Soprano et Quatuor / Durée : 8 à 12 minutes
3- Le déroulement du concours se fera ainsi :
1er tour (éliminatoire) : les oeuvres seront jugées anonymement à huis clos sur table.
Important : Les compositeurs n'ont pas de code à indiquer sur les partitions. C'est le comité d'organisation du Concours Dutilleux qui assure l'anonymat des compositeurs en contrôlant toutes les oeuvres et en utilisant un code chiffré propre au Concours Dutilleux. Pour faciliter cette opération les compositeurs sont invités à effacer tous les signes (titre, signature, nom du compositeur...) sur 2 des 3 exemplaires demandés.
2ème tour : les oeuvres qualifiées pour la finale seront jugées en public.
4- Les oeuvres devront être envoyées avant le 31 octobre 2011, le cachet de la poste faisant foi. Les résultats de la première épreuve seront communiqués par courrier. Les partitions devront être envoyées en trois exemplaires (trois copies). Les candidats retenus pour la finale, s'engagent à envoyer un exemplaire de chaque partie dans un délai de quatre semaines suivant la proclamation des résultats du premier tour.
5- Un droit de participation de 50 euros est à verser au moment de l'inscription. Les candidats s'inscrivant avec plusieurs oeuvres s'acquitteront d'un droit supplémentaire de 20 euros par oeuvre.
6- Les compositions seront originales, elles ne devront ni être éditées, ni avoir participé à un autre concours. Elles peuvent cependant avoir été exécutées.
7- Les candidats ne pourront se prévaloir d'une récompense autre que celle qu'ils auront effectivement obtenue. Les usurpations de titre seront démenties et poursuivies.
8- Les compositeurs finalistes sont tenus d'être présents pendant toute la phase finale sous peine de disqualification. L'ordre des répétitions sera communiqué un mois avant la finale. Les résultats seront proclamés à l'issue de la finale. Le séjour des finalistes est totalement pris en charge par le Concours Dutilleux.
9- Les organisateurs se réservent le droit de remplacer le(s) membre(s) du jury qui, pour des raisons de force majeure ne pourrait(ent) être disponible(s). Les décisions du jury sont définitives et sans appel.
10- Dans le cas où, pour une raison quelconque, le concours ne pourrait avoir lieu, les inscriptions seraient annulées, le droit de participation remboursé, les partitions renvoyées sans que les candidats puissent exercer un recours contre les organisateurs. La participation au concours implique l'acceptation du présent règlement. En cas de réclamation, seul le texte français de ce règlement est valable.

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I Concurso de Composição Caravelas

Deadline: 31 Outubro de 2011

O Caravelas, Núcleo de Estudos da História da Música Luso-Brasileira, órgão do Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical (CESEM), e a Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa (ESML) promovem a criação de um Concurso de Composição no âmbito do Congresso “A Língua Portuguesa em Música”.
O concurso tem como objectivo premiar obras de jovens compositores lusófonos. Assim, poderão concorrer compositores oriundos de Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Macau, Moçambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor Leste. Só serão aceites inscrições de candidatos até 30 anos de idade, contando com o último dia do prazo de inscrição. A formação de Câmara disponível compreende: voz, 1 flauta (também flauta alto), 1 oboé (também corne inglês), 1 clarinete (também clarinete baixo e/ou requinta, 1 saxofone (soprano, alto, tenor ou barítono) 1 fagote, 1 trompa, 1 trompete, 1 trombone e quinteto de cordas (2 violinos, 1 viola, 1 violoncelo e 1 contrabaixo).
Serão aceites obras que utilizem a totalidade ou parte dos instrumentos da formação base, não podendo a obra a concurso ter uma formação inferior a um trio de escolha livre, mais a voz. São excluídos quaisquer outros meios além dos enunciados nas respectivas formações instrumentais, tal como o uso de electroacústica. As obras deverão ter uma duração mínima de 6 (seis) minutos e máxima de 10
(dez) minutos. As obras a concurso terão obrigatoriamente que utilizar um texto de autor lusófono, escrito em língua portuguesa que esteja em domínio público, ou, caso contrário, com autorização expressa do autor. As obras deverão ser rigorosamente inéditas, sendo excluídas todas aquelas que tenham sido tornadas públicas por qualquer meio, ou que tenham sido encomendadas por qualquer instituição. São igualmente excluídas as obras que tenham sido premiadas em qualquer outro concurso nacional ou internacional, não podendo também estas concorrer simultaneamente a qualquer outro concurso cujos resultados sejam revelados antes da data de fecho do presente concurso. As obras devem ser apresentadas em edição gráfica por computador (Finale ou Sibelius, com exclusão de qualquer outro programa), e acompanhadas dos respectivos ficheiros MIDI/WAVE, ou de versões áudio, se gravadas em privado. As obras concorrentes – quatro exemplares de cada partitura – deverão ser enviadas (apenas por correio registado) para:
A/c I Concurso de Composição Caravelas
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
Av. de Berna, 26 C

O prazo de envio termina no dia 31 de Outubro de 2011, fazendo fé o carimbo do correio. As composições devem ostentar apenas o título e o pseudónimo do compositor, não devendo conter qualquer outro elemento susceptível de identificação do seu autor. Juntamente com as peças concorrentes, deve ser enviado um sobrescrito fechado, contendo:
a) a identidade do concorrente, o seu endereço, número de telefone e e-mail;
b) um breve texto de apresentação da obra;
c) uma declaração escrita e assinada pelo compositor, atestando (i) que a obra foi escrita pelo autor que a submete, (ii) que é uma obra inédita, (iii) que nunca foi premiada e (iv) que a mesma não concorre simultaneamente a nenhum outro concurso.
As cópias da(s) obra(s) e o sobrescrito de identificação devem ser entregues num único sobrescrito. Será premiada apenas uma obra, mas o júri poderá fazer Menções Honrosas. A obra premiada e as possíveis menções honrosas serão executadas no último concerto do Congresso “A Língua Portuguesa em Música”. Os compositores receberão uma cópia DVD da gravação deste concerto. A composição vencedora será publicada comercialmente pela editora AVA - Musical Editions, edição que será apresentada publicamente no dia do concerto dos laureados. Para este efeito será celebrado um contrato entre a editora e o compositor premiado. O Júri reserva-se o direito de não atribuir o prémio se a qualidade das obras a concurso for considerada insuficiente podendo, no entanto e independentemente do prémio, decidir atribuir Menções Honrosas, se a qualidade das obras assim o permitir. Não haverá obras premiadas ex-aequo. A divulgação dos prémios, bem como das obras premiadas, será feita através dos sites do Caravelas ( e da ESML (, num prazo máximo de um mês, posterior à data de encerramento do período do concurso. Apenas os compositores premiados e/ou os distinguidos com Menções Honrosas serão contactados directamente, via telefone e/ou por e-mail.
A entrega dos prémios será feita em sessão pública, durante o concerto de apresentação das obras premiadas, a realizar no dia 11 de Fevereiro de 2012, no auditório da ESML (a confirmar). A organização reserva-se o direito de autorizar que o concerto seja gravado, sem que os compositores laureados tenham direito a outras remunerações. Quaisquer futuras execuções, gravações ou edições, quer das obras premiadas quer das obras contempladas com Menções Honrosas, deverão obrigatoriamente incluir nas notas de programa de concertos, CD/DVD’s e/ou partituras a menção “Obra vencedora (ou Menção Honrosa) do I Concurso de Composição Caravelas”. Todos os laureados comprometem-se a fornecer os materiais e a partitura de maestro até ao dia estipulado pela organização do Concurso – sob pena de perderem o direito ao prémio –, não podendo reclamar quaisquer direitos de aluguer desses mesmos materiais. Esta cedência dos materiais é válida apenas para uma apresentação pública relativa ao concerto de apresentação das obras premiadas. Comprometem-se, ainda, a entregar os materiais em boas condições de utilização (formato, apresentação, legibilidade, marcações de ensaio e viragem de páginas). O júri será constituído pelas seguintes personalidades:
Sergio Azevedo (Presidente)
Edson Zampronha
Alberto Roque
Paulo Assis
Todas as obras não premiadas, bem como os respectivos sobrescritos de identificação ficarão na posse do secretariado do Concurso, podendo ser reclamados até um mês depois da publicação dos resultados. Expirado esse prazo serão destruídos para preservação dos direitos de autor. Cabe ao Secretariado do Concurso todos os esclarecimentos sobre o presente regulamento. Qualquer caso omisso no Regulamento será decidido pelo Júri. Das decisões do Júri não haverá recurso. Quaisquer dúvidas que este regulamento suscitar deverão ser esclarecidas junto à coordenação do Concurso:
Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, Campus de Benfica do IPL, 1549-003.
E- mail:
A participação no concurso implica a aceitação de todos os artigos deste regulamento.

>>Mais Informações

IX Concurso de Composición para Banda "Ciudad de Torrevieja"

Deadline: 31 October 2011

El Instituto Municipal de Cultura "Joaquín Chapaprieta Torregrosa" de Torrevieja, convoca el IX Concurso de Composición Sinfónica para Banda de Música "Ciudad de Torrevieja" 2011.
Este reconocido concurso tiene carácter internacional y en él pueden participar todos los compositores que lo deseen.
Las composiciones han de ser inéditas y originales, entendiéndose que sean de nueva creación, sin instrumento solista, teniendo una duración oscilando entre los 15 y 20 minutos. El hecho de que los trabajos presentados al concurso de composición no se ajusten "estrictamente" a la plantilla que se detalla, podrá ser motivo de descalificación de la obra por no cumplir las base La recepción de las obras finalizará el 31 de octubre de 2011, dándose a conocer el fallo del jurado antes de que termine el año 2011.
Las obras se remitirán a:
Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Torrevieja
Instituto Municipal de Cultura "Joaquín Chapaprieta Torregrosa"
Registro – oficina Prop – C/ Hermano bazán nº 6
03181 Torrevieja – Alicante, España
Se establece un único premio indivisible dotado con QUINCE MIL EUROS (15.000 EUROS)
El jurado encargado de dilucidar la obra ganadora, será nombrado por el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Torrevieja y estará compuesto por cinco personalidades de reconocido prestigio en el mundo de la música.

La obra que resulte premiada, será estrenada en Torrevieja por la banda de la UNION MUSICAL TORREVEJENSE en un concierto extraordinario que se celebrará dentro del primer semestre del año 2011.
La pasada edición fue ganadora la obra "The Secret of the Hills" de André Waignein, destacando sobre las 65 obras que procedían de un total de 31 países de cuatro continentes y de lugares tan dispares como EE.UU., Francia, Australia, Bélgica, Argentina, Inglaterra, Israel, Brasil, Colombia, Alemania o Suiza y por supuesto de nuestro país.

La organización hace mención especial que este concurso apuesta por "defender" la plantilla de Banda Sinfónica, tal y como se entiende en España. El importante premio económico es un buen aliciente para los compositores, al estar dotado con 15.000 euros al ganador, siendo el más importante de nuestro país en su cuantía económica.

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International Music Prize for Excellence in Composition 2011

Deadline: 1 October 2011

The National Academy of Music is pleased to announce a call for submissions for the ‘International Music Prize for Excellence in Composition 2011’, an international competition for composers of all ages and nationalities. Each entry consists of an original composition, an online entry form and an entry fee. The competition’s Artistic Committee, a team of composers, performers, theorists and musicologists, will evaluate all submissions and select the winning entries. All entries must be received no later than October 1, 2011. Entrants may submit as many entries as they wish, but each entry constitutes a separate submission and requires its own original composition, online entry form and entry fee. All entry materials must be submitted electronically through this website. By submitting an entry into the competition, the entrant is agreeing to let the Academy post the composition on this website for general public listening or viewing purposes.

The goal of this competition is to stimulate composers of all ages and nationalities to write new, high-quality music for educational purposes and motivate highly talented composers to persist in building a career in composition by rewarding them with recognition and honor. Winners’ names will be available online after December 10, 2011.

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32th Young Composers Competition, 2011 - Frederic Mompou International Award

Deadline: 30 September 2011

Any composer who is not over 35 years of age on December, 31st, 2011 can participate in this competition.
The works must be completely unknown. They must not have been previously performed, published, or disseminated. The musical formation this year is for Classical guitar duet
The style and scoring methods of the work are completely unrestricted. The recommended duration is between 12 and 20 minutes.

The Frederic Mompou International Award for 2011 consists of:
• The amount of C= 5.000.This amount will be subject to Spanish taxation.
• Publishing and marketing of the winning score.
• The first performance of the piece.
The Frederic Mompou International Award cannot be shared or declared void.
The jury reserves the right to award two honorary mentions.
The 2011 winner cannot compete again until the competition of 2014.

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1º Prémio Internacional de Composição Machado e Cerveira

Deadline: 15 Setembro 2011

O Ministério da Cultura de Portugal promove e financia em 2011, com o apoio da Câmara Municipal de Cascais/Museu da Música Portuguesa, e a Câmara Municipal do Mafra, o 1º PRÉMIO INTERNACIONAL DE COMPOSIÇÃO MACHADO E CERVEIRA”, com o objectivo do criar novo repertório para o magnifico conjunto dos seis Órgãos históricos de que a Basílica de Mafra dispõe, aproveitando dessa forma para homenagear o ilustre organeiro português António Xavier Machado e Cerveira (1756-1828), e assinalar ainda o recente restauro desses seis Órgãos, três dos quais construídos por ele.

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2º Prémio Internacional de Composição Fernando Lopes-Graça

Deadline: 15 Setembro 2011

A Câmara Municipal de Cascais e o Museu da Música Portuguesa, com o apoio financeiro do Ministério da Cultura, promovem em 2011 o “2º PRÉMIO INTERNACIONAL FERNANDO LOPES-GRAÇA DE COMPOSIÇÃO” (13ª edição do “PRÉMIO FERNANDO LOPESGRAÇA DE COMPOSIÇÃO”), prémio instituído em homenagem ao grande compositor português, que viveu entre 1906 e 1994.
Em 2011 o Prémio destina-se aos compositores de qualquer nacionalidade, sem limite de idade, que desejem apresentar uma ou mais peças inéditas (i.e. nunca antes tocadas em
público, gravadas, publicadas em partitura, ou que tenham ganho qualquer outro prémio até à data de fecho oficial do concurso, 17 de Dezembro de 2011).
As obras a apresentar, sejam elas estruturadas num único andamento ou em vários andamentos, deverão ter uma duração total entre 8' e 10', e ser escritas para cravo de dois teclados, com registos de 8'+4' (teclado de baixo) e 8''+ timbre de alaúde (teclado de cima), com a possibilidade de acoplar os dois teclados, e extensão de 5 oitavas:
O Prémio consiste nas seguintes recompensas:
Um valor monetário de 2500 Euros.
A publicação da partitura da obra vencedora.
A estreia absoluta da obra vencedora.
Um diploma comprovativo assinado por todos os membros do júri.

>>Mais Informações

Concorso Internazionale di Composizione - Italia 150

Deadline: 15 September 2011

On the occasion of the 150th Anniversary for the Unification of Italy, the LAMS of Matera is pleased to announce "ITALY 150 International Composition Competition". The event is part of the National Program for the Celebrations and it has obtained the Prime Minister's Patronage and the Official Plate offered by the President of the Italian Republic. The partners of the initiative are Casa Ricordi Universal Music Publishing, that will publish the first prize winning work and Rai Radio 3, that will broadcast the Finale live.
The International Jury is composed by Azio Corghi (Italy - Chairman), Detlev Glanert (Germany), Philippe Hersant (France), Magnus Lindberg (Finland), Jesus Villa-Rojo (Spain).
The jackpot is € 10.000 in addition to the publishing by Casa Ricordi.
The application deadline is September 15th while the Finale will take place on 26 November 2011.

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XXII Premio Jóvenes Compositores Fundación Autor-CNDM 2011

Deadline: 20 September 2011

La Fundación Autor y el Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical (CNDM) convocan el XXII Premio Jóvenes Compositores Fundación Autor – CNDM 2011 con el objetivo de estimular la creación en el campo de la música clásica contemporánea entre los jóvenes compositores y con el propósito de contribuir al desarrollo social del conocimiento de nuevos lenguajes, tendencias y modos de expresión musicales.

Podrán concurrir al Premio todos los compositores en cualquier país del mundo con obras de cualquier lenguaje o tendencia estética dentro de la música contemporánea, que en la fecha de cierre de esta convocatoria no hayan cumplido aún 35 años de edad y sean socios de la SGAE. Aquellos autores cuyas obras fueron distinguidas con el primer premio en las ediciones convocadas a partir de 2008 deberán abstenerse de participar.

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Niccolò Castiglioni Prize (Milan) for Young Composers 2011-2012

Deadline: 5 September 2011

The competition
Through the Prize Niccolò Castiglioni, the Cultural Foundation San Fedele (Milan) in collaboration with the Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, intends to promote an artistic production of new musical works of quality, in a one-year course. And also to enable the young participants to mature an experience in composing which will lead to the writing of a piece with opportunities for reflection and creative workshops. The aim is to offer young participants' a professional experience to create new works performed in a concert from a topic given by the Prize. During the year, applicants will be accompanied by renowned composers (Helmut Lachenmann, Stefano Gervasoni, Johannes Schoellhorn, Alessandro Solbiati) and Trio Magritte (Emanuela Piemonti, Francesco Senese, Luca Franzetti) together with the clarinettist Paolo Beltramini. The final Prize consists, for the finalists, in the realisation of a concert in the Auditorium San Fedele in Milan and the recording on CD, for the winner, in the publication of his work by Edizioni Suvini Zerboni.

Promoting Authority
Fondazione Culturale San Fedele, piazza San Fedele, 4 – 20121 Milan. The representative of the Niccolò Castiglioni Prize is the music sector Responsible.

Duration and location
The competition will have the duration of one year, October 2011/June 2012, and will be held at the Fondazione Culturale San Fedele, Milan.

The Prize is open to young Italian and international composers of instrumental and/or vocal music born after the first of January 1976. The participation in the Premio San Fedele is totally free. The entire initiative is on a non-profit basis.

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World Music Days 2012 - Call for Works

Deadline: 1 August 2011

The World Music Days 2012 invite ISCM members as well as Music publishers and individual artists to submit their Works according to following instructions for the programming of the World Music Days 2012 festival.

Only one work per composer can be submitted for a given ISCM-WMD Festival, whether through the official or individual submissions. The work has to be composed in or after 2006. Any composer whose work was performed at the WMD 2011 Zagreb is ineligible.

ISCM Members (Sections, Full Associate Members and Affiliated Associate Members), can submit a specific number of pieces, according to the ‘Rules of Procedure for Membership Categories’, to be considered by the 2012 ISCM WMD Selection Jury. At least one work of every official submission will be performed.

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International Composition Competition for Youth Orchestra Bruno Maderna, 2011 - Frederic Mompou International Award

Deadline: 30 June 2011

Intrecci/Weavings: for this competition, composers are invited to chose a literary work inherent to the given subject, and to build on it a musical composition, especially thought to be performed by the young musicians of the orchestra.
The literary work can be used in a “programmatic” way, or directly inserted in the composition through the narrator.
The literary work must be of public domain; if not, the composer must hold the authorisation by the author or publisher for the publication of the works by Edizioni Sconfinarte.
Length: 8' - 10'
Age limit: nessun limite di età e nazionalità
Subscription deadline: 30 june 2011
1 voice
2 flutes, 2 oboi, 2 clarinets, 1 sax alto
3 trumpets, 1 flugelhorn, 2 trombone 2
timpani and percussion (3 players)
1 keyboard

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12th Electroacoustic Composition Competition Música Viva 2011

Deadline for submissions is: 30 June 2011

In order to encourage the creation of electro-acoustic music, Miso Music Portugal, the Portuguese section of the ISCM (International Society of Contemporary Music) and the Portuguese Federation of the CIME (Confedération Internationale de Musique Electroacoustique), is organising, as part of the MÚSICA VIVA FESTIVAL 2011,12th Música Viva Electro-acoustic Composition Competition 2011.

1 – The works submitted shall be recorded electro-acoustic pieces, composed in studio, projected by loudspeakers in concert with the intervention of no live sound sources. They may include a maximum of eight channels and should have a duration between five and fifteen minutes. The competition is open to composers of any nationality, each of whom may submit only one work, which must not have been commercially published or awarded a prize in any national or international competition. Any previous Musica Viva prize winner composer will not be allowed to submit a work on the two years following the year of the prize award.
2 – All entries should be sent via internet only in 1 single Zip File by UPLOAD on the Miso Music’s FTP at the following address:
The Zip File containing the candidate’s application should contain 3 files inside a single folder:
- 1 Text file (.doc, .txt, .rtf or .pdf) with a short biography, contact information, as well as information about the piece (methods used, concept, etc.)
- Proof of nationality and age (a scanned image of passport or other document containing these elements)
- 1 Audio file .AIFF or .WAV format 16bit 44,1kHz containing the stereo version of the piece *
* additionally, in the case of works with more than two channels (multichannel pieces) the audio files corresponding to each of the channels in AIFF or WAV format should be recorded on CD-R or DVD-data and submitted by post to: 12th Música Viva Electroacoustic Composition Competition 2011 - Miso Music Portugal – Rua do Douro 92, Rebelva - 2775-318 Parede Portugal.
(All incomplete applications or those not meeting these requirements won’t be taken into consideration)
The name of the Zip File and the folder should be identical to the name of the work submitted
3 – The deadline for submissions sent via internet is 12 P.M. GMT time, 30th of June, 2011. The CD-R or DVD-data, in the case of the multichannel pieces, must reach Miso Music Portugal before the 15th of July (Please note that due to bandwith limitations on the Miso Music server it is possible that around deadline hours an overload may occur making impossible to access the FTP. Please upload your application before the deadline. Applications after deadline time won’t be considered valid.)
4 – Prizes: the jury may select up to 3 works which will be performed at the Miso Music Portugal Concert Series or at the Musica Viva Festival with the Loudspeaker Orchestra, and which will later be released on CD by Miso Records, provided the composers of the works selected agree with the terms offered by the record company.
5 – The jury will announce their decision during the Música Viva Festival 2011.
6 – The jury may decide that none of the works submitted merit selection. The judges decision shall be final.
7 – Submission of an entry to the competition implies the acceptance of all these rules.
8 – Any questions which may arise as to the interpretation of these regulations shall be clarified by Miso Music Portugal.
(All applications not meeting these requirements won’t be taken into consideration)

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Koumaria Residency 2011 Open Call

Deadline: 25 June 2011

Koumaria 2011 Open call (sept 29th 2011-oct. 09th 2011)

We call …
For six artists from the fields of new media (musicians, dancers-performers, video artists, photographers, e.t.c.) wishing to participate in our 10 day residency in Greece creating a collective work that will be performed at the Onassis Cultural Center ( in Athens Greece. We will consider both the quality of the submitted work, and evidence of the willingness to both cooperate across art-forms, and contribute to the collective project.

The residency
Since 2009 the artist collective Medea Electronique has organizes annually a 10 day experimental artist residency, Koumaria, near Sparta in Greece, focusing on improvisation and new media practices.  Avant-garde artists from all over the world, inspired by the Greek natural landscape, create a multicultural and cross-media ‘dialogue’ culminating in a collective presentation in Athens at the end of the residency.
The goal of the residency is the creation of an educational experience for the participants that will inspire and exalt their future work. The cross-cultural dialogues that the residency engenders both create new artistic speculations and smelt older assumptions. Past residents have formed both lasting friendships and new artistic partnerships. Medea Electronique, being an eclectic art collective, is interested in people from diverse cultural and artistic backrounds. For us the residency serves as a model for future creative endeavors.
The residency is held at an organic olive oil farm at the foot of Mount Taigetos in Sparta. The residency, a modern and comfortable house, features dormitory-style bedrooms, large and comfortable common rooms (featuring fireplaces and magnificent views of the surrounding mountains and fields), two primary spaces for project development and practice, terraces, rooftop overlooks, and a large and modern kitchen.  The surrounding hills, mountains, villages and the not too distant sea, coupled with a vast expanse of sky, stars, and ever-changing mountain vistas, afford the residents amble space and opportunity for creative work.  Meals are taken communally, with an emphasis on fresh and local produce and traditional recipes. In this environment artists not only have the chance to live and work together in interaction with the Greek landscape but also to interchange their experiences on everyday life and culture.
The theme
This year, we decided to give the residency a theme. Rising from the core of the multicultural dialogue created each year at Koumaria, as well as the very nature of improvisation we decided to experiment on the meanings of identity and the ways we express it. Emanating from social phenomena such as globalization and cultural imperialism, as well as everyday life events, identity is at the center of many contemporary debates.
Giving questions as: what makes us different and what links us? What makes us what we are and what we are not? How easy is to adopt another identity or not? Who makes us who we are? We expect prospective residents to send some thoughts and ideas concerning possible improvisational projects on this theme. The Presentation
This year the presentation of Koumaria will be done in a three level basis named respectively:  passport to experimentation, the experiment, you can do it…

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International Wind Ensemble/Concert Band Composition Contest, “Harelbeke, City of Music 2011 – 2012”

Deadline: 20 June 2011

The Town of Harelbeke (Belgium)'s aim, in holding for the fifth time a biennial International Composition Contest, is to consolidate its position as a “Town of Music” on the world map.
Contemporary music, more specifically in the sector of music for wind and percussion instruments, deserves permanent backing. In our role as a Town Council, our aim is to motivate composers and performers and to provide a window onto the world.

The importance of this contest shouldn't be underrated.

Building a musical bridge between international communities is, after all, essential to the future of mankind. The contest makes a contribution towards that.

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Concurso Mini-Óperas 2012

Deadline for submissions is: 10 June 2011

O Concurso Mini-Óperas é uma co-produção do Teatro Nacional de São Carlos, representado pelo seu Director Artístico Martin André, e da Arquipélago, Associação de Compositores de Portugal, representada pelo Presidente da sua Comissão Instaladora João Madureira. Tem por objectivo estimular a criação de música dramática em língua portuguesa e é dirigido a compositores de nacionalidade portuguesa ou residentes em Portugal nascidos depois de 1 de Janeiro de 1970.

O Concurso destina-se a seleccionar quatro compositores diferentes para comporem quatro mini-óperas de duração estimada entre 6 e 10 minutos, que serão interpretadas por um naipe de cantores de qualidade reconhecida e uma orquestra de câmara constituída por elementos da Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa (sob direcção de Pedro Neves), encenadas por Luís Miguel Cintra, e contando com a colaboração de João Paulo Santos na preparação dos cantores. Tentou-se, desta forma, proporcionar condições excepcionais para que compositores possam ensaiar a estreia de reportório músico-dramático, sem terem que se confrontar com quaisquer dificuldades inerentes a uma produção deste género.

O tema escolhido para as óperas a apresentar este ano deverá versar sobre uma das seguintes temáticas: Amor; Traição; Morte.

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Call for Electro-acustic Miniatures- Musica Viva Festival 2011 - “Sound Walk”

Deadline for submissions is: 31 May 2011

Miso Music Portugal and the Música Viva Festival 2011 convokes composers to send electroacoustic miniatures to be diffused at the “Sound Walk” installation during the Música Viva Festival 2011 (from the 9th to the 17th of September 2011)at the Belem Arts Centre in Lisbon.
The “Sound Walk” is an outdoor stereo installation along the 100 meter walkway that leads to the main entrance of the Belem Arts Centre concert halls. Composed by several loudspeakers placed on each side of this walkway, the “Sound Walk” will be running daily from 10 A.M. to 12 P.M,

1) There are no restrictions according to age or nationality.
2) The aim of the call is the creation of sound miniatures using the language of Electro-acoustic music. The minimum duration is of two minutes, and the maximum of five minutes.
3) Only one piece by composer may be presented.
4) All applications should be sent via internet only in 1 single Zip File by UPLOAD on the Miso Music’s FTP at the following web address:
The Zip File containing the candidate’s application should contain 3 files inside a single folder:
- 1 Text file (.doc, .txt, .rtf or .pdf) with a short biography and contacts, as well as information about the piece (methods used, concept, etc.)
- 1 Audio file .AIFF or .WAV format 16bit 44,1kHz with the piece
- 1 Audio file .AIFF or .WAV format 16bit 44,1kHz with the recording of the composer’s name and title of the piece spoken aloud (this is to be used as an announcement and will be played before each piece on the “Sound Walk” installation.)
Important: The name of the Zip File and the folder should be identical to the name of the work submitted
5) The deadline for submissions is 12 P.M. GMT time, 31st of May, 2011. (Please note that due to bandwith limitations on the Miso Music server it is possible that around deadline hours an overload may occur, making impossible to access the FTP. Please upload your application before the deadline. Applications sent after deadline time won’t be considered valid.)
6) No applications sent by post will be accepted.
7) A maximum of 25 miniatures from all those entered will be selected by the artistic direction of the festival and diffused at the “Sound Walk”.
8) Participation in this call implies the acceptance of its rules.

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XIV International Composition Competition "Franco Evangelisti"

Deadline for entry of projects is: 31 May 2011

Associazione Nuova Consonanza, together with the Conservatorio di Musica di Santa Cecilia of Rome, Edizioni Suvini Zerboni and Rai Radio3, announces the XIV edition of the International Composition Competition “Franco Evangelisti”. The 2011 Competition is dedicated to sax (soprano, alto, tenor, baritone) and electronics and is open to composers of any nationality and of any age. Scores should be for Sax and Electronics. The electronic part must be playable from a data storage device. Pieces involving live electronics are NOT admitted.
The overall duration of the work should be from 7 (seven) to 15 (fifteen) minutes. The electronic part should be from 2 (two) to 8 (eight) channels. The competitors is requested to send 5 (five) copies (anonymous) of the following material to the office of Nuova Consonanza:
1 - a complete description of the technical requirements for performing the work
2 - the score in printed form
3 - a complete stereo recording (instrumental part plus electronics) of a performance of the work; a MIDI simulation of the work may also be sent if it has never been performed. In both cases the recording must be sent on Audio CD.
As an exception (for candidates without recording and not in condition to provide the midi simulation) competitors have anyway to send the stereo version of the electronic part of the composition on Audio CD.
Each composer has to send 1 (one) copy of the electronic part on Cd Rom or Dvd, with separate or interlaced tracks on AIFF or WAV file format, 16 or 24 bit resolution and 44100 Hz or higher sampling rate.
The composer undertakes the responsibility to fill the role of technician/performer foreseen in the score or else to appoint his/her own technician. All the material indicated above must be sent to the Association (viale Giuseppe Mazzini 134 – Scala B, 00195 Roma) not later than 31 May 2011(certified by the post office stamp). The compositions can have been performed already but must not have been published or awarded prizes in other competitions.
Each composer can submit only one piece.
The Competition is anonymous. Each score and each CD/DVD must be characterized by a motto and accompanied by a sealed envelope, identified by the same motto, containing the personal data of the composer (forename, surname, date of birth, nationality, address, telephone number, e-mail if any, photocopy of identity card), a detailed curriculum vitae, the receipt confirming payment of the registration fee, a declaration certifying that the composition has not been awarded a prize in any other competition and the written permission for possible radio broadcasting. The information requested must be in Italian, English or French.

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Kernel Festival/011 - Open Calls for Artists

Deadline for entry of projects is: 31 May 2011

ERNEL /011 wants to offer itself as an opportunity for young artists and emerging talent to express themselves in a unique environment and on a stage shared by important international artists.

Applying to the open calls, will give you the opportunity to showcase your project or your performance next to reknown international artists, and be part of the Festival program and lineup. If you are selected, room, board and travel expenses will be covered by the organization. You will also have the opportunity to participate, free of charge, in one of the workshops scheduled and live the Festival alongside other young talents who share your same passion.

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18th Competition of Works for Radio CNDM-Radio Clásica Festival de Música de Alicante 2011

Deadline for entry of projects is: 3 May 2011

In order to promote the creation of new works for radio, the Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical (National Centre for the Dissemination of Music) (INAEM-Ministry of Culture) and Radio Clásica (RNE) will jointly stage this Competition, in accordance with the following
1 - Innovative Character: Newly created works shall be presented that have not previously been produced or broadcast and that have not received any previous awards.
2 - Works Created for Radio: The works that are presented must necessarily be pieces created for radio, which is to say, their ideal medium of production and dissemination shall be the radio. These works may be based on the use of words, noises, music, electronic or radio broadcasting edits and other elements. Entries must have a minimum duration of 25 minutes.
3 - Language: In any case, the main language employed shall be Spanish.
4 - Participants: Any natural person may take part in the Competition, irrespective of their age or nationality. There shall be no limit on the number of entries per participant. Only the winner/s of the previous year's Competition shall be excluded from taking part.
5 - Presentation Format: Any kind of format may be used that enables the Jury to precisely evaluate the interest and appeal of the idea in question: written description, CD demo, scores, sound materials, etc.
6 - Presentation Period: The deadline for receiving entries shall be 3rd May 2011.
7 - Delivery of Competition Entries: The entries may be delivered by any of the means provided for in Article 38 of Law 30/1992 Regarding Ordinary Administrative Regimes and Procedures. Said entries must be clearly labelled "XVIII Concurso de obras de creación radiofónica" (18th Competition of Works for Radio) and shall be sent to the following postal address:
Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical
Auditorio Nacional de Música
Príncipe de Vergara, 146 28002, Madrid
In case of delivery by hand: from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Via electronic means:

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4th Destellos Electroacoustic Competition

Deadline for entry of projects is: 30 April 2011

The Foundation Destellos , call for works for the Forth Competition of Electro-acoustic Composition and Visual Music, open to composers and artists of any nationality, age and gender. The objectives of this competition are the promotion and development of the artistic creation in relation with new technologies. Likewise, it is an intention of the Foundation Destellos to stimulate the creativity of the young generations of artists and to provide them new routes of diffusion of their works. The first prize will be attributed by Destellos and will consist of 500 American dollars and the performance of the piece into the two years after the competition. The second two prizes, consisting of collections of CD of electroacoustic music, offered by:
The organization Akusma<Motus , of France
The foundation Phonos of Barcelona, Spain.
The institutions participants will offer likewise the diffusion of the winning works, through concerts, festivals and broadcasting.

1. Composers and artists of any nationality age and gender.
2. Entry fees of 20U$A must be paid by Pay Pal, through the "donate" button on the web site:
3. Will be accepted stereophonic works of electro-acoustic music up to 11' duration.
4. Will be accepted works of electro-acoustic music with video, up to 6' duration. The work must follow an abstract esthetics and to be interrelated in musical and visual languages, either in their technical and esthetical characteristics. In case of works in collaboration the prize will be considered ex-æquo and the authors will have to determine a representative to receive it.
5. Are excluded pieces using instruments, live electronics and improvisations.
6. Each candidate can send only one work, not been edited or prized before.
7. The participants will have to register before, sending by e-mail :
a. the submission form due completed by computer. Manuscript forms will not be accepted.
b. a certificate of the PayPal payment.
c. send both as attached document to:
8. Each candidate will receive an e-mail of confirmation and a Code of inscription .
9. The materials must be sent by :
a. You Send it, Next Send or similar to:
b. Ordinary mail, (with mention "For educational use, no commercial value" to :
Dr. Elsa Justel
Fundación Destellos
Gral. Rivas 3963
7600 Mar del Plata
10. Admitted supports: .aiff/ .wav/, without compression.
11. The files must be labeled with the Code Number+Title of the work (ex.: "DC11-21_Mypiece")
12. The works will not be returned and will be kept in the archives of the Foundation.
13. Prize winners of earlier Destellos Competition cannot participate (first and second prizes), neither members of the jury and their families.
14. The works must be sent before 15 April 2011 .(postmark)
15. The jury will be integrated by members of recognized international prestige.
16. The jury has the right to declare the prize deserted and give one or more mentions, also to design an "ex-æquo" prize to works of the same quality level. Jury's decision is unquestionable and definitive and will be published after August 30 th , 2011.
17. The foundation has the right to postdate, to annul or to modify the rules of the competition at any moment. All changes will be published at the time.
18. Candidates are asked to accept all the conditions of these regulations.
19. The prizewinners are engaged to write the mention "Prix Destellos 2010" in all concert programs that include the work. The authors must inform the Foundation of the public presentations of the prized work.

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4th European competition for live-electronic music projects edition 2011: orchestra

Deadline for entry of projects is: 15 April 2011

The ECPNM – European Conference of Promoters of New Music hosts the fourth European competition for the composition and interpretation of live-electronic music projects. The organising partners of this competition are members of the ECPNM such as: EULEC in Lüneburg / Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg, Germany; MISO Music, Portugal; Gaudeamus Music Week, the Netherlands.
The organizers of this competition are looking for project proposals that demonstrate in an innovative way new possibilities for the combination of instruments and live-electronics as well as innovative use of live-electronics with the composer as a performer. A maximum of 5 projects will be selected by a jury (representatives of the above-mentioned organisations); these projects should be pre-produced by the applicants and will then be premiered in the framework of the ECPNM General Assembly in Hamburg in November 2011. This year projects can be entered for the “Sinfonieorchester der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg” and live-electronics, conducted by René Gulikers; the selected works will be rehearsed in the week before the first performance on 19 November; further performances will possibly take place during events of the organisations mentioned above by the same orchestra or by local orchestras.

Entries should be sent to:
ECPNM, c/o Gaudeamus Music Week,
Loevenhoutsedijk 301, 3552 XE Utrecht, the Netherlands
Tel.+31.30.8200115, e-mail,

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